Saturday, August 22, 2015

Emboss Resist

Good morning!

I'm waiting for my lovely great nephew Ross to come pay me a visit today... It's been a while since I last saw him so I'm excited!

I have a little one layered card to share using the emboss resist technique that I made for nothing in particular

I masked of my card first and stamped a floral image in Versamark before embossing it

Some soft sponging and a few splatters

...and some gold sequins from my friend Stella

I hope you have a great weekend ...

Till soon

~ Ros~


  1. Gorgeous Ros! The pastel color palette looks fantastic along with the white embossed image!

  2. Such a pretty card. Loving the colour combination and the soft resist technique. Have a lovely weekend too!

  3. Gorgeous card! Love the softness of the pale colors. White embossing always looks so elegant.

  4. Very pretty!! Love those soft colors!!! Hope you have fun with Ross!

  5. I love those cotton-candy colors. Wonderfully done!

  6. Beautiful card Ros, Love the white resist and the soft colours

  7. What a pretty colour combination and I love it with the white resist.

  8. Dreamy and gorgeous...lovely soft colors!!! I haven't done this technique in always are so creative, I want to come and create with you!!! Weather is feeling more and more like fall the fall, but not what shows up after it....have a fun day!!

  9. Sometimes the just because cards are the BEST! LOVE the white embossed image and your colors are so soft and pretty!

  10. Such a lovely card with the embossed flowers, Ros! It's so soft and pretty! Hope you enjoy your visit with your nephew!:-)

  11. I always use much deeper colours with an embossed resist so I am amazed how well these pale colours show up. Beautiful!

  12. Love the way you did the background to show off the beautiful embossing, a really PRETTY card Ros!! Hope you had a great visit with Ross!

  13. Lovely! Great colors and I love the embossing.

  14. Hope you had a wonderful visit with your great nephew! Emboss resist is one of my all-time favorite techniques & you've shown it as an art form, Ros!

  15. When I come back to visit you I want to be locked up in your craftroom:) Geesh Ros this card took my breath away. And you are amazing when it comes to sponging and splattering. Subtle, elegant. Perfection!

  16. A beautiful palette of soft color. It's perfect for a sweet CAS design.


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