Sunday, August 09, 2015


Good Morning!

Herb is the new prompt word over at 
this morning - Picked for us by Kirsty

I have a few growing in the garden... This is the last of the Chives

I love onion and garlic so Chives fit perfectly into my lifestyle ... The flowers have died off and even they look pretty

On my windowsill I always have fresh basil

Another herb I use a lot ... It's wonderful in pasta and really compliments any tomato dish

Mint grows wild in the garden and there are a few varieties so I'm not sure which one this is but I put it with new potatoes
One other herb I love and use frequently is Rosemary

This grows in a tub in my garden ... Recently I came across a bread recipe on Pinterest 
 Rosemary and Garlic Bread (Here

It turned out exactly like the photo and tasted wonderful ... I made it a few times and tried bread flour which worked perfectly - It's wonderful with cheese toasted on top too
For my UK friends - I don't have a "skillet" but I do have a heavy casserole dish that resembles a skillet and it worked perfectly... Give it a go
And do hop on over to Our Beautiful World Blog to see what my friends are sharing ... I hope you'll share with us too.

Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh wow Ros, your photography is so clear and beautiful. Lucky you with a wonderful collection of growing herbs! YUM!

  2. What a fun prompt this week..loved seeing your herb garden, it feels almost like I can smell it..and I love the smell of fresh basil...and the bread looks yummy, I will have to try it!! Hope you are still having your sunshine..August so far has been the perfect weather here in Michigan...we are traveling to the "north" house on Thursday as my daughter and her family are coming for a few looking forward to it...but I will miss my internet for!!

  3. Wonderful post Ros, I love basils too, but don't have it at home, maybe I should look out for it at the nursery the next time as hardly ever grow things successfully from seeds except scallion. That garlic bread looks good, I don;t have any cast iron pot or skillet that can be used in the oven, maybe I should add it to my christmas list, LOL!

  4. I love herbs, this was a cool prompt! All your herbs looks so pretty and the bread looks delish, Im going to have to look the recipe up!

  5. Gorgeous photos Ros! I never tire of seeing pictures of nature!

  6. Love these photos Ros, I'm suddenly feeling quite hungry though. tee hee. hugs :)

  7. I can always count on you for yummy finds, Ros, I love your herb photo's. Mine are outside and the photo's would not be so great as they are a little wind weathered. But my oregano is going on thee years as are my chives, mint,rosemary, and thyme. Love the smell of my Basil...will check out the bread recipe! Thanks for the link and have a wonderful Monday!

  8. Fab photos Ros. Just like you we always have fresh basil in the kitchen. And nothing beats the taste of home baked bread. Marel is the one to bake bread here. I am more specialised in cakes and pies :)

  9. Wonderful photos, Ros! The bread looks fantastic!

  10. Save me a piece of that bread! Beautiful pictures--I love the beautiful basil leaves!

  11. Wonderful herbs growing at your place Ros, super photos and I visited the recipe site wow I'm pinning to have a try, it looks delicious and recommended by you. Can't wait to establish my garden again.

  12. fresh herbs are the best! great shots and i love the basil and rosemary, the bread looks yummy! I would love to eat a piece right now!


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