Thursday, October 29, 2015

Foxy Christmas and More Than an Itch

Hello and good morning ...
I hope you are well

It's a weird title to my post I know but I'll start with my card - A Foxy Christmas card

I haven't been able to craft much lately due to illness and it felt good to finally come up with something yesterday evening... I even got to try my new paints (Gansai Tambi) which I love

The cut out on the card was done on my Cameo and I did a little painting behind it ... The fox is from the Wplus9 set winter pals ... he was coloured using Promarkers and then covered in glossy accents

More than an itch

Those of you who read my blog know that I was diagnosed with eczema early this year and it's an autoimmune disease... It's more than just the awful itch and the problem skin which is bad enough!
There are times when the immune system works so much overtime deciding it doesn't like this or that so eventually it just burns out...
It leaves me with no energy at all ... just taking a shower is a huge effort and I feel so ill with it. That is how it's been for the last 3 weeks until I started to take some anti inflammatory tablets. For some reason they calm everything and make me feel so much better, though I can't take them long term.

I have to go for more tests in a week or so just to be sure there is nothing else underlying but right now I feel so much more in the land of the living and hopefully on the road to recovery.
Thanks so much for your well wishes and I'll get around to visiting your blogs soon

Have a good day and take care


~ Ros ~


  1. So sorry to hear you've been so very poorly. Nothing worse than having no energy and then not being able to craft!! Todays card is beautiful and love your work with the cameo. Glad you've managed to try out the Gansai Tambi paints....found out what they are now after a past post of yours and thanks for the feedback on them x Cute Fox too x

  2. Dear Ros, I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well at all. Hopefully the doctors will find the right treatment for the long term!

    So, you've had a better evening yesterday? That's good! I like what you've made. Beautiful background and layout! Lovely Lady Fox (-:

    Gett well soon!!!
    Sending sunshine your way,

  3. Beautiful card,Ros, love the background you created for your little fox! So sorry to here you have been feeling poorly, hope everything is positive with your new tests and that long term you will feel much better! Have a wonderful Thursday!

  4. What a darling image and such beautiful die cut and background colors!
    Sorry to hear that you are suffering, I do wish that you feel better soon, sending hugs!

  5. So sorry to hear that you continue to feel unwell and not energetic at all. I hope the new tests will bring something to the light that helps treat it. On another note, your card is soooo sweet!

  6. Sorry to hear you're not well. I love this fox, skating on (off?) the ice and I love the way you've got the ornate recessed panel and the placement of the much I love!

  7. I love this cute foxy card! :). I hope things will settle and you will feel better soon. Sending healing hugs your way x

  8. First, I'm so sorry about your condition. I'm glad you have a temporary remedy, but I will pray for full recovery. What a beautiful card you created! I love that Cameo cutout, your watercoloring, and the sweet skating fox!

  9. Well I sure hope they come up with a solution for you soon. It's no fun feeling icky. That little fox is so cute. It's pretty sad to have to admit that a fox can skate better than me. LOL The cutout looks gorgeous with your pretty painting behind. Hugs!

  10. Glad you've gotten some relief, Ros, & hope this episode is over soon! Your card is so uniquely designed--love it! The painting looks beautiful!

  11. OMG Ros, I am so sorry and I hope the new tests figure something out! Keep us posted. LOVE the Beautiful painted BG with the bells and the FAB fox! Super creative, my friend!

  12. Sending get well wishes your way Ros! Your card is darling! Love the glossy accents and cute fox!

  13. What a sweet fun card with the fox, Ros! And, sorry to hear about your suffering. Hope you get more answers and things improve very soon!

  14. Poor you. Hope you keep well and the tests help to sort things out. You being under the weather has clearly not impacted on your ability to produce beautiful cards.

  15. That sounds like no fun at all! I'm so sorry, Ros, and I hope they find something that works without the drowsiness to bring you relief. Your card is ever so cute, and I'm so glad you're enjoying those paints! Beautiful!


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