Thursday, October 22, 2015


Hello ... Happy Thursday!

It's a beautiful autumn day here ... breezy but sunny. Where I live there are tree lined roads and avenues and the trees are just spectacular in rich golds, yellows and reds ... It's so mesmerising!

You remember a few months back one of my lifelong friends was seriously ill and I spent a fair bit of time at the hospital... Well, she celebrates a birthday in a few days and I am so happy that she made it. Just before she got so sick she had bought 2 puppies and maybe the thought of leaving them helped pull her back, so it's only natural I would make (another) puppy card for her birthday

I just love these Avery Elle stamps... but you already guessed that huh?

And I'm going to be using those MFT label sentiments forever I think
The cloud dies are by Memory Box and of course there's a piece of my sponged and water splattered CS cut into a little hillside

I'm slowly getting over my bug but it's left me quite tired, still, I have club night tonight and I can't let them down ... fortunately Pat has created a project for them so no pressure this week. I am blessed to have such lovely friends....

Have a beautiful day 


~ Ros ~


  1. Glad to hear that you are feeling better as well as your friend's recovery, that is one lovely card for her, we both have that same MFT label stamp set, aren't they fun?

  2. Happy birthday to your friend - I'm happy she's made it, too! And such a cute card; she'll love it!

  3. Awe....these puppies are so cute! Your friend will love it; so good to hear she's doing well.
    Take care sweetie; hope to talk to you soon. Thinking of you....XXXXX

  4. What precious little pups! I love your coloring! So glad to hear of your friend's restored health, such a happy birthday indeed!

  5. That's lovely news about your friend and she'e going to love this cute and adorable card. Yep great friends are so very important x

  6. So happy to hear that your friend pulled through, Ros! Your card with all those sweet puppies will surely bring a smile to her face!:-)

  7. This is so adorable, Ros! I love how you made it extra special and personal for your friend and I'm glad she is well again!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. I think you may be right. Animals have some wonderful comforting abilities for us humans. I could just sit and pet my fur baby grandchildren all day...and I think at least one of them would let me. LOL Adorable card Ros. Hugs!

  9. Glad you're feeling better, Ros. Every other patient I saw at work had pneumonia, so 'tis the season! So, so happy your friend has continued to stay out of the hospital & she's a perfect example of why I get a little ticked with people who don't want to admit they're having another birthday when it's such a blessing that so many people in my line of work would love to have. Anyway, off my soap box & on to this adorable puppy card--grabbed my heart right away & I know it will your friend's, too!

  10. Awww...I just love this adorable cute and your friend will love it for sure...I just love the puppy and kitty cards, nothing cuter..well, love those little "ellies"!!

  11. Those puppies are just way toooo cute and I bet your friend was Delighted with her wonderful card :)

  12. What a cute little bunch of pups, your friend will love it. I love the trees at this time of year too and have managed to do quite a lot of shuffling through the leaves :) Hope you're back to full strength soon x

  13. Ooh too cuuute Puppies Ros
    and the scene I adore this
    and that HappY Birthday Sentiment is that DYMO or stamp? so cooool Ros
    your green grass you made look so cool
    ooh I can visiting your cards whole day Ros
    but I still have 11 and 8 years old son
    they need mom sometimes for making homework
    I already follow you by blogger..


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