Sunday, November 08, 2015


Hello there ...

Today at 

Mandy has chosen the prompt

We would love you to link up your photos relating to Space

It could be table Space

A secret Space in a rock

...Or an open Space

 Then again it could be about going into Warrington town one saturday morning to see these Space travellers amongst the crowds!

(photos enhanced with Picmonkey)

I wonder what they made of Warrington?

Have a lovely day and go visit the Blog to see more photos from the team

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Love your photos, especially the ocean through the rocks! Have a great week, Ros!

  2. Oh my my Ros!! Love your moon pic, I've tried many times to take a decent photo especially with eclipse etc and to no avail. Yours is amazing! Love your other space pics too!

  3. WOW! Such amazing inspiration! I love all of your gorgeous photos!!! And your blog is wonderful, too.

  4. Dr. Who!!! That definitely qualifies for space. LOL I used to watch that after school every day. Of course that was several doctors back. hee hee

  5. Fun photos, I would of found this one hard to do, but as usual you have the best photos..always!!

  6. Love all your photos representing the word space! Those words mean so many different things!

  7. I love your wide variety of shots. The word "space" is so open to interpretation. Blessings!


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