Monday, December 07, 2015

Thinking of you

Hello ... 
I hope you had a good weekend ... 

Yesterday my friend and neighbour Helen popped over with tears in her eyes... Her Dad had passed away suddenly ... No matter how many friends and family you have, it still feels like a lonely journey you're on in those early days... We chatted and hugged for awhile and later I made a little card for her

Though you can't really see ... I stamped the grasses first in Frayed Burlap distress ink and stamped again, slightly offset, with Versamark and embossed in clear powder

I also gave it a light spray with Vibez 'snow storm' which leaves a lovely soft sheen - and yes, she's a cat lover

Helen's dad was a keen gardener who every year made her magnificent hanging baskets... So DH and I  took a trip out and when I saw this I thought this would make a fitting gift 

... which she can then plant in her garden.

I hope you are having a good start to your week ... Be safe

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful and thoughtful card x Always such a very difficult time, helped in such a friendly way by your gorgeous flowers and beautiful card x

  2. Sorry to hear that, hope your beautiful card could put a smile on her face!

  3. I don't normally comment on condolence cards, but I'm just so impressed with this one Ros. It's not overdone or garish and I enjoy the sentiment more than the average. Very tactful and respectful, I'm sure your neighbour will much appreciate the gesture. hugs :)

  4. What a sweet card, Ros, prayers for your friend, the pain never quite seems to go away!

  5. My heart aches for her. Lost my dad 6 years ago this month & I still miss him so much. Your card is lovely & so perfect for the situation. Gorgeous pink roses--my favorite!

  6. Beautifully created, and was greatly appreciated along with the gorgeous Roses I am sure...I struggle with sympathy cards, I will have to pin this one for future reference!

  7. Very beautiful card and I'm sure it was much appreciated - as was your being there for her when she needed you. She must have loved the roses, too.

  8. So sorry for your friends loss. Your card is beautifully designed Ros. The offset stamping with the embossing powder is a lovely touch and the rose bush is so pretty. That shade of pink is dreamy. :-)

  9. What a lovely card for your friend and pretty flowers too.


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