Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Best Friends

Hello and good morning

I've always had cats and I also owned a couple of German Shepherds which I absolutely adore!
Now I no longer have my beautiful dogs or the cats from those days... Though as you know we still have a few rescue cats, but I miss my dogs soooo much
My dogs always got on well with the cats ... Cat's rule! 

This is an old photo of my dog Holly with my cat Lisa

Why am I telling you all this? Well, because it is the basis of today's card... 
When I saw that Try It On Tuesday's challenge is silhouettes -
It gave me the idea

You know I love using silhouettes, they feature on many of my cards and here's what I came up with

I cut the silhouettes out on the Cameo and did a little sponging

 Amazingly (for me) this turned out a one layered card with a little stamping and some punched out hearts

I really hope that one day I will be reunited with my pets ...

Wishing you a lovely day - free from blogger problems at least!

~ Ros ~


  1. I too love my animals and have very fond memories of having pets in my younger days. This card is a real tribute to yours. So effective with the light sponging and the black silhouette against it. The most perfect sentiment for the theme x Yes that happens to me sometimes too...when I am actually not trying to do a one layer card they can end up being one!

  2. Such a cute photo Ros! I'm amazed you duplicated the moment on your card! Adorable and amazing!

  3. The photo of Holly and Lisa is priceless; I know how much you loved them. And miss them.... Your card is lovely and a wonderful way to show your love or your pets. Love love love the silhouettes! The recipient of this gem is privileged!

  4. Reunification one day... but not too soon!! Love your card - and what brought you there!

  5. I always love it when you add a kitty silhouette to your cards and now you've got a doggie one too! YAY! They are so cute together and the soft ombre effect you got with your inking makes a lovely backdrop for them. Hugs!

  6. What a pretty pair of friends...don't you just wish our pets had a longer life span...oh how I do! The card is a great tribute to them and as always 'perfect' in design and have to check out that challenge, I have a 'free' day on Saturday!!

  7. I love that photo of your wonderful friends! It's so sad that they have such short little lives, that's why we have to make sure that every one of their days is a good one! Great inspiration for your card and I love how you incorporated the silhouette theme! Love it! hugs :)

  8. This is a jaw-dropper, Ros! Absolutely wonderful picture & amazing card! So glad I have my little Fritz, but still miss the ones that are gone.

  9. So cute and love the inspiration for it. The peachy pink is gorgeous with the silhouettes.

  10. Lovely card - I love how the panel of pink fades- and nice to read of your love for your pets.

  11. DARLING photo and I LOVE your card! Perfect!

  12. This is a lovely card and a super way to remember your pets.
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT,
    Avril xx

  13. I love my doglets I have three and wouldn't be without the little tikes which is why i love your card so much that and the fact that is beautiful, love the addition of the sponging to the card and its placement.



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