Sunday, February 07, 2016


Good Morning!

I've picked the word Markings for our prompt this week at

So many things you could go with, like road markings

Markings on an animal

Or an insect

There are markings on a football pitch

...Transport vehicles

And I even saw these markings on a bridge in Lisbon

Can you come up with something else? Share with us at 

And go visit the blog to see what my friends are sharing this week 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful images, lots of details...
    Best regards and a sunny day of sunday!

  2. Such cool photographs and wonderful examples of "markings!" I love them all and want to thank you for sharing them with all of us!

  3. Great photos!I especially like the cat and the dolphins!Thank you for sharing with us in Our Beautiful World. AriadnefromGreece!

  4. Fun pics for this theme. I have such a big heart for cats and your kitty photo made my day:)
    joining our beautiful world.

  5. I always enjoy looking at your photos but the one with Easyjet made me laugh. In a few months... :)

  6. Wonderful photos Ros! The kitty is my fave :) TFS

  7. Fabulous photos Ros, especially love your bee and butterfly shots!! Great prompt, love the concept. hugs :)

  8. Love the bridge markings, but the kitty cat picture is my favorite!

  9. You always have the coolest photos Ros, Such a clever prompt and great pics to go with it :)

  10. What a wonderful set of photos with all kinds of different markings. So fun to see.

  11. Wow, Ros, those are fabulous photo's! I always enjoy seeing what you come up with for the prompt!

  12. Fun, fun photos once again.....very creative 'markings' the pretty kitty one, we had a feral cat we fed here for 7 years that looked just like that...we called him Gray Butt, because all we saw was his butt when he ran away from us...LOL!!

  13. Is this your cat? He/she looks like our Lewis (-:

  14. Love all the marvelous photographs of markings that you took. My favorites are the ones on your cat and the bumble bee. Blessings!


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