Sunday, February 14, 2016


Hello and Happy Valentines Day!

It's time for a new word prompt at

This week it's Mandy's choice and the word she chose is Up!

Well, I wouldn't like that guy's job for anything... I don't do heights at all and this is what he is Up on


This huge bridge goes right across the river in Lisbon and carries vehicles as well as a train line below
I took the photo whilst cruising in the Mediterranean and much as I loved cruising, my nightmare was having to go Up the steps to get on the ship


Having a fear of heights is no fun... But my great niece has no fear whatsoever... Since a mere toddler she has climbed Up anything she could - the higher the better

The Liverpool Eye was a doddle to her

Bet she'd love to go Up on this one, built in the side of the cliff at La Coruna


Take a peek at what my friend's are sharing Up on the Blog today...

Just as a side note ... I have spent ages trying to upload the photos on my post...Blogger is not co-operating so I had to drag and drop and even then they were not right ... 

Enjoy your Valentine's Day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful photos, Ros. I, too, wouldn't be the guy up on that bridge! However, your great niece is so adorable, I think I'd follow her anywhere. Drat Blogger. I'm against anything that slows you down. You're an inspiration!

  2. Yikes! I can't take heights either, Ros... can't imagine that first one, but it just doesn't bother some people. Lovely photos, as always! You excel in taking pictures the same as in creating cards... love ALL your work!

  3. Wonderful photos Ros! My fave is the one of your sweet great niece! She is precious! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. I am not afraid of heights but I wouldn't like his job either!AriadnefromGreece!

  5. I am with you. Geesh that guy in the birdge..... Lovely photos; is that Sophia? sweet!

    Have a lovely evening!

  6. Lots of aspects of "up"... Stunning views and sights, as well...
    Best regards and a great start in the new week!

  7. Ros you always have the most interesting Pics for prompts! I love looking at them, these are no exception! Have a lovely week :)

  8. Lovely photos, Ros, & your great niece is a doll!

  9. Beautiful photos - and so many different takes on the subject. Didn't know there was a Liverpool eye, too!

  10. Great pictures, but yikes, like you I am scared of heights, too! I can't imagine having a job like that....guess someone has to do it as they say!

  11. Beautiful photos Ros. The one of the Liverpool eye is my favorite - lovely against the night sky.

  12. I can relate to your feelings of height, since I could never work on that bridge either. I LOVE the precious photograph of your cute and fearless grand niece crossing that playground bridge. Blessings!


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