Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Easter Card


Team Darlene is hosting the challenge over at Double D Challenge today and the challenge is Easter so I am adding my little card to the mix 

Another digital image coloured with copics

My card base is also done digitally using papers from Pink Petticoat which sadly is no longer open - I'm glad I got these papers when I could

Darlene's team have created lovely projects for this challenge ... Hop on over to the Blog and take  look ... It would be lovely if you linked up your Easter projects too.

I'm off to lunch again today with a very dear friend and I'm so looking forward to it

Have a great day

~ Ros ~



  1. Sweet Easter card, Ros! Love your coloring & the cute image! Hope you have a great time with your friend!

  2. Stunning Ross, love the cute image used.. {aNNie}

  3. Awwww, that is so sweet! Beautiful card Ros!

  4. Such a cute card with the most gorgeous colours. I really must get into Digi's as this image is so cute and so adorable.

  5. Sweet and adorable little blue birds sure are mastering those new Copics...beautiful coloring! Beginning to look like Spring here, though we have a light dusting of snow in the forecast for this weekend..poor Spring flowers!

  6. Such a sweet card Ros! I love that image, and the various shades of blue give it such a lovely quality. hugs :)

  7. OMG this is so adorable Ros! I just LOVE that background and your beautifully colored, sweet image is perfect! I'm so glad you joined in with Team Darlene this time around ... always such a joy seeing what you create! Have a great day! Hugs from Ohio, USA

  8. Oh, such a lovely sweet Easter card with the pretty birds, Ros! Take care and enjoy lunch with your friend!

  9. OH My Goodness, aren't these the sweetest birds, I adore them!! Such a happy card!!

  10. This is such a cute images and colored beautifully. Love the pink cheeks on the birds.

  11. Oh this is so beautiful!AriadnefromGreece!

  12. I love your blue birds; this is lovely and perfect for Easter! I hope you had a lovely time with your friend and enjoyed a lovely lunch.
    Thinking of you!

  13. Oh, what a cute little couple you have there! Such a sweet card!

  14. Your little birdies look so happy and the colors are so pretty and vibrant. Lovely card Ros. :-) Hugs!

  15. This is so pretty and adorable Ros. Lovely coloring.

  16. SO cute, Ros... what an adorable birdie couple... great coloring on those flowers and leaves!!! Beautiful card!

  17. Oh so cute Ros! Those little bluebirds are darling!

  18. So adorable, Ros! Sweet and simple design with fantastic coloring of a super cute image. Love the card base. Amazing that it's digital. This image just steals my heart!

  19. Ros this is SOOO beautfiul, the swet little image and your beautiful colors are so soft. Your card exudes the most gentle sweetness, I love it :)

  20. Ros what a beautiful scene your colouring is fabulous such delicate hues this one really is worth framing.


  21. What a beautiful image! LOVE all the blues! Pure sweetness!

  22. Love your Easter card, Ros, love blue and green together! I hope I am all caught up now, I really need to do a better job!

  23. This card is incredible Ros!!

  24. Love this adorable image! Beautifully colored!

  25. I am loving this sweet Easter card. I love the coloring and those little birds are so cute.


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