Sunday, March 20, 2016


Good Morning...I hope you are enjoying your day

The word prompt this week at 
is 'Hide'

It took me awhile to find some photos for this but here we go

Do you see the bee hiding under the leaves? I took this photo on a hot day last summer ... the bee had been gorging on the pollen and seem to fall asleep whilst doing so - either that or he was drunk!

 He was in there for hours - literally and then stagger out to crawl under the leaves Lol!

This little sparrow I caught hiding from the rain inside a palm tree....

And this squirrel was about to hide a nut in one of our plant pots! It drives my husband mad when he comes out to find the plants turfed every day 

It took us a while to find out who the culprit was haha!

Finally I had to share one of Gipsy hiding under a chair

She loves lying on paper bags and spends hours hiding from Ginger cat under that chair 

Hop on over to the Blog to see what everyone else is sharing this week ...

Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Such fun pics Ros,,,love the drunken bee lol :)

  2. It was a tough one for me too!
    Fun series of photos!

  3. Loved all your hiding photos! AriadnefromGreece!

  4. Fun, fun, fun pictures, Ros--love these! The bee hiding is incredible!

  5. What gorgeous pictures! I loved the stuffed bee!! And Ginger is busted lol...We see her!


  6. What gorgeous pictures! I loved the stuffed bee!! And Ginger is busted lol...We see her!


  7. Great photos, have to say the squirrel is definitely my favourite. What a cutie! I think I have the perfect image for the prompt this week, will have to jump in! hugs :)

  8. Fabulous photos Ros! Your kitting looks so cute!

  9. What fun photos, they are great, but of course the kitty one is my favorite, I love how cats hide, they haven't a clue they always leave something 'out'..usually their!!

  10. What gorgeous photo's and so the one of gypsy, but all of them are fabulous! Just catching up from all the hopping this morning!

  11. Lol, that bee must have had a bit too much of the good thing I guess :) Great photos for the prompt, Ros, I love that squirrel one, although I'm afraid your hubby will not agree :) xx

  12. You have quite a collection of photographs for the "hide" theme! My favorite ones are the one of the bumble bee and the one of Gypsy. Happy Easter!

  13. Beautiful pictures, Ros - love the bee in the primula but that sparrow seeking shelter from the rain is so cute, too!


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