Tuesday, July 26, 2016

City Crafter 322

Hi there ...

It's time for a new challenge at City Crafter and this week Kirsty is hosting for us 
The theme is Postcard from the World

The challenge is to create a project that includes either a postmark, postage or travel theme

My lovely friend Pat is off on a family holiday later in the year and this will be going to her

Can you guess where she'll be going? Oh yes... The USA! New York in fact...She has been before though and I'm sooo jealous!

So my card has both a travel theme and postage, lucky I had those papers in my stash and the vacation sticker, the stamp shape and the airplane were cut on my cameo

Our Guest Designer this week is the very talented Kathy Schweinfurth, winner of week 318, do go visit her lovely blog and take in her amazing creations...

As always the team have more inspiration for you up on the City Crafter blog and we look forward to seeing what you come up with...

I'm off to the city today to finally meet the lovely Darnell along with a few more of her blog buddies, and tomorrow I get to go play with her and a whole bunch of bloggers!

Have a great day yourselves

 Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Fabulous card!! I hope your friend Pat enjoys her vacation, I for one have never been to New York either, so am jealous right along with you! Speaking of jealous, I am jealous of you getting to meet Darnell and the fun day of creating with her too. I am sure you will have a super good and fun time...think of me, lol...wish I could be there!

  2. Fun card Ros. Love the bold colours, and the glittery vacation layering is a real eye-catcher! hugs :)

  3. Fantastic card Ros! I'm sure your friend will treasure this!

  4. So exciting, Ros, meeting up with blog friends! and card making as well! Hope you have a lovely time! Love your vacation card...love the red white and blue theme! Happy Tuesday!

  5. Oh, what a fun vacation card for your friend, Pat! Love the airplane against the starry sky and large sparkly letters to spell out vacation! She'll love this card! And, I hope she has a wonderful trip to New York!

  6. What a great design - you've used the Cameo really well and I love the USA vacation theme.

  7. Oh wow did you nail the theme. Totally awesome layout and I love that cool vacation sticker. Hugs!

  8. You always have just the right stuff! It is amazing what we can find in our stash, though. I don't know how this could be more perfect. It's fun and crisp and totally ideal for a great send off. Your day in the city sounds like a fabulous time!

  9. Such a striking card. The colours and the layout is so clean and fresh. Wow on that vacation sticker and yes envious too of holidaying in NY...xx Hope you are having fun with Darnell and her blog buddies? x And...have a great day tomorrow x

  10. I'm the one who's jealous--of you getting to have fun with Darnell! I'll be there in spirit! I absolutely adore this beautiful, festive, fun card--just perfect to send your friend off on her trip! Big hugs, Greta

  11. My oh my you nailed it; and Pat will LOVE this. A great design; I bet Pat will frame this:)

  12. Perfect for the challenge! I love the sentiment, it really showcases the overall card!

  13. The PERFECT way to start a vacation with this FAB card! LOVE the letters bunches!

  14. PS forgot to say meeting Darnell and blog buddies sounds FAB!

  15. Lovely card for Pat, have fun with Darnell!

  16. Very cool card Ros!! I like the plane you added to the stamp and the vacation sticker looks So cool with it!! I forgot to tell you I like your new header, very pretty :)

  17. I want to board a plane to some nice vacation spot NOW! Wondeful card!

  18. Great card, love those letters. Oh for another chance to visit NYC - never a day goes by when I don't think of my December trip!

  19. Such a fun card! Great use of those cut files, love, and I adore the dimension and sparkle of the "VACATION"!


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