Friday, October 14, 2016

Easy Autumn Projects

Hi there...

I'm feeling much better today thankfully... I'm waiting on the results of x-rays and I have blood test to go for but fingers crossed all will be well. The main thing is I'm feeling better and I'm back into crafting...
Last night was club night and I haven't seen my group for a few weeks so I prepared 3 simple Autumn projects for them... Heck the room was heaving.. I kid you not! 
Thankfully Pat was with me and she'd also brought a friend who is visiting and we did have a good number of support workers too...

So first up we created some simple framed pictures

I printed and stamped some BG paper and cut out the shapes for them and let them embellish with gems stones

Then we did some cards

I bought a whole heap of silk leaves (100) for £2.30 on Ebay, so much easier that me having to do them and I cut out more leaves for the ears, circles for the google eyes and also a nose and computer generated a sentiment.

Lastly with the off -cut from the cards we made bookmarks

I really wish you could see their faces when they've made their projects... All the hours put in is so worth it - Well, I keep telling my aching back that Lol!

Wishing you all a good day ...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Gosh, you must have been pretty sick if you had to have x-rays and blood tests. I hope it was just the stomach flu and I'm glad you're feeling better. I know they loved these projects! That must truly be the most rewarding thing. They're all beautiful! The leaf face is so clever. Looks like a fox. And then the tree with the single leaf for the top -- wow! They've probably all got their framed pictures propped up in their rooms now. I hope you keep feeling better and better, Ros!

  2. It's a long time ago that i visit your blog (sorry). So happy for you that yesterdayevening was a great evening with the people, all the cards are amazing, i love the creation with the deer, so cute! Hope you are doing well soon.

    Have a nice weekend!
    Hugs Thea

  3. I LOVE that scene with that sweet little deer. Your "leaf" card is BRILLIANT! Buying these leaves was a great investment:) And that tag is lovely too. I have an idea of their faces working on these projects. I admire your creativity and the fact that you put so many hours in preparing. Good to hear you are feeling a bit better. Hope to speak soon.
    Sending love,

  4. Sure hope everything comes back OK, my friend--glad you're better! You come up with the most creative projects for your group--love every one of these!

  5. Oh my gosh the leaf card are so stinkin cute! You have the best ideas for your group projects Ros. The little framed piece is really pretty too. Hugs and God bless you.

  6. This looks like a lot of fun for your group! Such great projects and I'm sure it was appreciated!

  7. Great ideas and beautiful projects. I'm sure they get a real sense of pride when they have made their own versions.

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better Ros and praying that you have good test results!! Your projects are fabulous as always! The framed piece is beautiful and the leaf card is toooo fun and the bookmark is very cool!

  9. Such beautiful, fun and clever projects for your group! TFS and hope you continue to feel much better. Hugs, Nancy

  10. Such beautiful, creative and fun projects, Ros for your group. Hope you continue to feel better. Hugs, Nancy

  11. i guess I missed some of your posts because I did not know you were ailing. Glad you are feeling better. Fabulous projects. I love what you did with the silk leaves and your framed scene is gorgeous. it is so nice that you share your amazing talent with others.

  12. Wonderful autumn projects Ros! The leaves are very pretty and so handy to craft with! Your framed project is just gorgeous with the background and silhouette deer! Glad to hear you are feeling better! Take care and have a great weekend!

  13. Three beautiful projects for one night? You must have been creating with them until after midnight! I'm relieved to know you had so much help for the preparations as well! Love them all - and very much like the idea of the black circles behind the eyes on that... leaf dog. Makes it so much cuter!

  14. What fun fall projects you have there!
    Sorry to hear that you are not well, we are on the same boat right now! : ( Sure is no fun!

  15. So sorry you have been ill, Ros. But your projects for fall for your group are all fun! Hope you feel better soon and the blood work turns out well!


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