Tuesday, November 08, 2016

City Crafter 337

Good morning friends ... 

Brrr! It's so cold here right now and the trees are quickly losing their leaves which means little shelter from the wind... Thankfully I don't have to go out and I can cosy up here in my little room

It's time for a new challenge at City Crafter and This week Kirsty has chosen the theme
Ebony and Ivory 

The challenge is to create a project that features music related items ...Piano, keyboard, musical notes etc., Hop over to the blog for full details

I pulled out my Memory Box Musical notes die to cut a mask for my card along with a little bird I'd previously cut on my cameo

 Then I blended inks over the masks and splattered a little water on top before peeling off the masks

I love how it reveals the white image beneath. The sentiment stamp is from Wplus9 and the leaves are a Clarity stamp

Our Guest Designer this week is Danielle winner of week 329 ... Hop on over to the City Crafter Blog to see what Danielle and the team have to inspire you this week ... As always the winner will be offered a Guest spot with us too.

Have a lovely day and thanks for your visit

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful take! I will see what I can do with this this challenge

  2. Beautiful, dreamy and gorgeous!! You are so good with those inks, I seem to have a heavy hand with mine...sigh! Leaves are mostly gone here and we have had lots of pretty sunshine and very warm temps for this time of year, but last nights news said we will have snow yet this month..ugh!

  3. Such a wonderful card with the musical notes and bird, Ros! Beautiful soft background and pretty leaves, too!

  4. Hey Ros that is BEAUTIFUL, I love the soft look that the masking produced! The bold leaves are a great balance to the softness :)

  5. Brilliant! Pretty colors, and I love the leaves in blue. Such nicely blended edges. Perfection!

  6. Another imaginative design, beautifully executed, Ros! You have brought the wind and tossling leaves indoors and onto your card!! Love the soft background coloring! Hugs, Darnell

  7. I love those blue leaves .. and the masked music and bird ...what a great design.

  8. I love that sentiment & your stenciled background is beautiful, Ros! Stay warm, my friend!

  9. The leaves are dropping off very rapidly now.
    It's quite cold here and we have had some frosty nights.

  10. Such a pretty card, Ros, I love those blue leaves! Happy Wednesday!

  11. We think the same; definitely:) And your take is - as always- gorgeous. I love the masking technique and the subtle ink- blending. Wow!
    I'll mail you soon; yesterday and today we had a guest.
    Sending a BIG hug, take care,

  12. I really like how you made a mask out of the music notes die! What a great idea. You used very nice colors and the little bird makes it a sweet card!

  13. Such a lovely effect with the stencil Ros and I really like the fonts on the sentiment. Sweet. :-)

  14. Lovely card, I love the background work too!

  15. Yes, dreamy is the word I was looking for - than you, Diane! Beautifully soft and light!


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