Monday, January 23, 2017

Just a card

Hello there ...

It's been a busy few weeks and ages since I've been able to make anything other than DT projects and Club projects ...  I spent a few days to prepared last week's project for Thursday Club, they made calendars and I don't have one to show you because I always give away my samples when we have a big class and it was a full class and very noisy!
Sadly one of our members had been in hospital and the situation is such that a safe place had to be found for him...  Parent just become old and their mind gets confused... So whilst it is hard work to keep on coming up with projects, it makes the group happy and that's all I can do.

I have a little card I made a long while ago that I forgot to share ... It's another one where I drew a butterfly and flower into some loose watercolour

I did a similar one Here, but the flower then was stamped... 

I haven't had my paints out for a while and I like doing these smaller cards so hopefully I'll find some time and inspiration to do more...

Wishing you all a wonderful day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. You're so good with your group, Ros. They don't have much, but you give them a lot for a little while. As for your card today, I'm utterly bowled over! How could you forget to share this beauty? The colors and your drawing are absolutely gorgeous! When I grow up I want to watercolor like you.

  2. Such a beuatiful summer card !!

  3. I'm sorry to hear that one of your club members had to go to the hospital...
    I love your card; the splash of colours already makes me happy. And your drawing skills are great!!

  4. So Beautiful Ros, I love the splashes of color and simple drawing!! So sad about one of your group. You are a real blessing to them :)

  5. It's such a wonderful thing you do with your group of special adults, Ros--you're a blessing! I am just awed by your paintings, my friend--what a talent you have & you didn't even know it! I will never tire of seeing your beautifully artistic work--thank you!

  6. Very pretty water colored cards with the butterflies and flowers, pretty!!

  7. Gorgeous yet again, the colors, the background, the drawings...WOW!! I have some new watercolors and I am scared to use them as I know I won't have anything as beautiful as this!! Thank you for very nice email and I will be emailing you back 'talking' with you!

  8. This card is wonderful Ros... your drawing over the watercolours is the colours too

  9. The free flow of the paint paired with your drawings really works so well together Ros. Beautiful!

  10. Its a stunner Ros such a lovely technique and maybe something I could try as staying in the lines for me is not a question. The colours are gorgeous. This beauty should defo be in a frame.


  11. Can't believe I haven't commented on this one yet - because I know I've seen it... AND admired the strong colors! Great card.

  12. Absolutely beautiful! So eye-catching!

    No doubt your group appreciates you more then they'll ever be able to express. Your selflessness is admirable and doesn't go unnoticed. Keep up the good work!


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