Thursday, March 09, 2017

Birdbrain Birthday


I've been quite productive since I started my meds ... Made a few cards, done the club projects and helped Pat create 6 cards yesterday...

I'm lunching with my GF's on Monday.. One of the girl's is celebrating a birthday and for her card I used a digital image called Bee Happy Birdbrain which I got Here

I like to change some of my stamps and digitals just to fit into what I'm making so I took the bee out of this image, changed the direction of the eyes and I added some lush eyelashes Lol!

I printed the image and coloured it in with Copic Ciaos then used a cloud die to make a stencil so I could add some subtle clouds in the background

 I also added glossy accents to the eyes and a glittery die cut balloon and string - A simple way to add the string and get that little bit of movement is to pierce a small hole both on the part of the image that is holding the ballon and where you want it to end. Then secure on the reverse with tape before adhering to your card base.

I'm entering this at Happy Little Stampers

Ok... Got to get my stuff ready for club tonight ... Have a lovely day/ evening and thanks so much for all your well wishes

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Sooooo good to hear you are feeling a bit better due to proper medication! I love what you did with that digi; your card is brillaint. I LOVE the eyelashes you added. Have a lovely evening at your Thursday club!

  2. Oh this card has brought a smile to my face! Love how you have doctored the image to suit artistic! great tip on the balloon string too, Glad you are feeling better, Enjoy your evening...say hi to Pat for me. Hugs xx

  3. This guy is just so tweet! (sorry, I can't resist a good pun - or in this case, a bad one). Love the extra sparkle in the glitter balloons

  4. Ros you sound so upbeat...glad the meds are kicking in. Such a fun card. Love how you altered the eyes and added the eyelashes. Great addition too of the balloon and string. Such a happy card, thanks for sharing this fun card x

  5. What a great idea for the balloon string - I think I will copy you. This is great and I love all your customisation.

  6. Oh too cute--she'll love it! The silver sparkly balloon is wonderful as are the clouds! You come up with the best ideas, Ros! So glad you've been feeling good!

  7. Glad you are feeling better Ros!! This card is TOTALLY delightful. I love the image and coloring. Bet your friend is going to be thrilled :)

  8. So glad you are finding some relief! OMG Ros this is ADORABLE! What a fun image and your coloring is AMAZING!!! Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh, what a cute card with the darling bird! Love the sparkly balloon and pretty soft clouds! A wonderful scene you created! Your friend will love it!

  10. Love that chuck with attitude! The addition of the glittery balloon works so well.
    Thanks for sharing it with us at HLS Anything Goes with Dies.:)

  11. Now that's what I call a happy birthday card! Oh, my gosh, love it so much! Fantastic with the eyelashes on those beautiful green eyes, and your idea with the balloon string is brilliant! That large sentiment is perfect underneath, and the sponged clouds and glittery balloon... I can't say enough! I'm so glad you're feeling better, and now I feel better, too!

  12. The eyelashes!!! Amazing! I love the birdbrains. Their faces are so much fun. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Hugs!

  13. Fun card, Ros! I. Love the bright colours and those fluttery eyelashes :). We were in Liverpool yesterday - I think it might be the first time I've been in since our little jolly last July! Went in the Museum of Liverpool.

  14. OMGosh when I first saw this I laughed at how fun this birdie is..the colors the design and the clever balloon string bring it all together, such a cute cute card!!

  15. What a cute image! such a fun card:)Thanks for sharing at Dies R happy you joined us!

  16. It's amazing what glossy accents do - and of course the image that goes with it and your wonderful arrangement, such a cute card!

  17. LOVE the glossy eyes and the eyelashes! Fantastic card!


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