Monday, March 27, 2017

Bye Bye Chester

Hello there ...

One of the friends I meet up with for lunch each month, Ella, had 2 little Shih Tzu's, Bailey and Chester - Her boys she called them - Sadly some months ago Bailey went off to doggie heaven. Well, last week  Chester went to join him... Having lost many cats over the years as well as my beloved dogs, I know there are no words to ease the pain so I just made a simple card

A bouquet of flowers covered in tear drops...

I added a little ink blending just to enhance those pretty flowers... Ironically my last dog Holly died on Ella's birthday 7 years ago...

... And my heart still aches

Enjoy your day my friends

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Yes--those feelings of loss never go away. My heart aches for your friend & I'm giving Fritz some extra hugs. I've never seen a more beautiful & meaningful card to give in this situation--stunning, Ros!

  2. Very pretty card Ros! Those flowers are beautiful! Surely this will bring comfort to your friend. I'm sorry for her loss. My fur babies are like children, I understand how her heart must ache.

  3. A lovely card to show your thoughts are with her. The rain drops are a sweet addition to mark the sadness. Hugs!

  4. This is one of your prettiest cards ever, I think. I just love all the color you've been using lately. Your friend, Ella, felt your compassion and understanding, I know. My dogs are as beloved as any other family member and it's so unfair that their lives are so short.

  5. What a gorgeous card this is and one that will be greatly appreciated for sure, and I sure know the feeling, like you, as you well know...beautifully created!

  6. Oh so sad for your friend. The bouguet of flowers is beautiful and with the sweet tear drops, a special card for encouragement! Im sure this will give her comfort.

  7. I can't imaging losing a pet, so sad, hope this beautiful card could put a smile on your friend's face!

  8. Yes being an animal lover I absolutely understand...heart breaking. Gorgeous, tasteful and perfect colours on the bouquet of flowers x Lovely enhancement of the tear drops and I am sure your thoughtful card will be appreciated x

  9. That's a stunning card, powerful colors. So sad to hear about your friend's loss - but knowing you I don't doubt that she has a loyal friend at her side.

  10. Beautiful flowers, Ros, my heart goes out to the lose both pets is devastating.

  11. Loosing a very much loved pet is heartbreaking. And the pain never goes away. Your card will bring comfort. I love your colour palette and the addition of tear drops. Gorgeous!


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