Friday, March 24, 2017

Watercolour Mushrooms

Good morning...

Spring is paying us a visit today and it's more than welcome after all the rain and miserable cold weather we've been experiencing.
Along with that we are in shock at the recent events in London, where terrorism has claimed more lives.... My heart goes out to everyone affected, along with the British people there were Americans, Romanians, French, Polish and more... London is like my second home - Where my family were born and millions of visitors come to every year ... It hurts.

It's been a busy week - Along with all the daily chores we are redoing the master bedroom and I prepared 25 Mother's day type cards and treat cups for last night's Thursday Club. Many don't have mothers but they have support workers, guardians, family and friends who they can give their cards and gifts to. It was a very hectic night!

Somewhere in between I managed to get out my paints to make a little card which I was going to enter as the CAS Watercolour challenge ... But I missed the deadline

Don't ask me why mushrooms... I just like them. These are from a christmas stamp set funnily enough - Gnome for Christmas by Memory Box..

I used the Gansai Tambi paints and even though there are so many more watercolour goods out there now that allow you much more precision I still love these and the not so precise look.

I hope you have a lovely day and a wonderful weekend

~ Ros ~


  1. Sad beyond belief how much evil is being shown to all of us so often in the world. Your painted background is absolutely wonderful, Ros! Such a cute card! We're in a rainy stretch, but there are daffodils all over & a few other flowers making it beautiful. Hoping the remodel goes well!

  2. We have been folllowing the news about London and it's horrible. Another cruel attack on innocent lives and families. So tragic.....
    Your card is lovely; and your water colouring're a pro!
    The weather here in Holland is amazing and the weatherforecast predicted more sunny days. It's so good to feel the sun on my skin after all the cold and rain:)
    Have a great weekend; I hope the redo of the master bedroom is almost finished so you can have a bit of time to relax. And not having to get up early...

  3. Glorious water-colouring, vibrant and the grass is fabulous. Cute fluttering butterflies too. Hard work with the group and well done you on preparing all those cards and treats x

  4. It's perfect in every way. Love the look of the grass and the happy colors on the mushrooms. It's hard to keep our chins up in a world with so much violence and hate. It's not the way we were meant to live. The power of prayer is amazing. We really need to use it to it's fullest. Hugs!

  5. I like a not-so-precise look when it comes to watercoloring. In fact, I prefer it, but have a hard time achieving it. Maybe it's the images I choose. I love mushrooms and think they look adorable on cards. They should be included in more flower stamps. Anyway, I adore your card with the colorful mushrooms and little blue butterflies. I'm so sorry about what happened in London. All the hate and hurt these days is very distressing.

  6. What a wonderful way to share your talents and love with all your cards and treats. TFS your mushrooms card too. I love the watercolour texture look you got with your watercolour paints, Ros. Such a fun and colorful Spring forest scene. Hugs...

  7. This card is pretty and magical!

  8. Beautifully created and colored card, so cheerful and we all need a bit of cheerfulness in our lives I think. I have never understood all the hate in the world, so needless and so hurtful....I think that is why I am into my card making...takes your mind away and also lets you 'meet' friends from all over the world, with the same be just that FRIENDS!!
    Sorry I am late in visiting, my husband gave me his cold, and I am just getting over it..ugh! Have a wonderful day....we have lots of rain here!

  9. Oh my, I haven't been here in a while... I totally understand how you feel about mushrooms :-) I love them, too - in terms of crafting. And otherwise! Cute card!

  10. Your toadstools are just too cute, Ros!


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