Monday, April 10, 2017

CAS Watercolour Challenge

Hello there...

Since I did club night last Thursday and prepared all those projects, I haven't had much inclination to create at all... Sometimes I think I just get burnt out 
This afternoon I forced myself to create something... I wanted to make a card for the current challenge at CAS Watercolour

I love green and use it a lot, but pink? Mmm... I'm more blues and greens and being creatively challenged this week hasn't helped. But finally I have something to share

I think that paint pattern shows where my creative head is ... all over the place ha!
As always I used ordinary card stock and Gansai Tambi paints. You could be forgiven for thinking that the white dots are splattered white paint but actually I spattered some Goosebumps before painting...

...I was curious to see what would happen as I've only ever used it when ink blending and then I stamped with it. It's just been sitting in my cupboard and the spray was blocked so I spattered instead.

Well it's a start and thank goodness I work ahead with DT stuff or I would really be panicking!

I hope you're having a good start to the week... 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Well mojo or not, I like this Ros and you have created more than I have today!
    You are so very artistic! It was housework for me today and I can't post that on my blog!! Have a good week. xx

  2. Nobody can tell you had to force yourself to make this card - it is stunning!

  3. Yes I have goosebumps lurking in the cupboard somewhere. It's great how you've used it Ros. Such a pretty colour combination and I think the pink against the green is gorgeous. Very artsy background, very unique and it sets off those fabulous flowers really well. Great idea and so different and this card is a real work of art x Not surprised you where burnt out after all the preparation work last week x

  4. After all you've done for your club I can imagine you must have felt burnt out. And I am impressed that you came up with this stunner; WOW!

  5. I LOVE your green artsy background, Ros! And those pink flowers are so sweet! You certainly mastered this challenge! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  6. LOVE your background, Ros! The splatters are amazing and I love the look with the goosebump resist. And your flowers are so pretty. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  7. So pleased Ros that you joined us at CAS Watercolour with your pretty pink flowers and artsy watercolored greenery background. TFS my friend. Hugs...

  8. Beautifully created, soft and pretty, love those splatters, love when things work out so well, and I can relate to sometimes being 'burned out' to a 'T'!!

  9. Looks like you needed to just do it, because your results are spectacular! The flowers stand out beautifully against the splash of fresh green. Love the white splatters. Your pink almost has a hint of coral at its base, so maybe you didn't give into the pink altogether. I get on pink kicks and then have to steer myself away from it. This looks absolutely divine to me! You have good reason to feel burnt out with the monumental effort you put into your group projects. I go through spells where I simply have to take care of other things before I can devote any time to stamping, and then it's hard to get back into it. Once I get started again I don't want to stop. It's a vicious circle!

  10. Wish I'd create like this when I have no mojo--haha! Another gorgeous, artistic card, my friend! One of my favorite color combos & that background is amazing! I did think it was white paint splatters--have never gotten very good at using my Goosebumps, but you make me want to try again! Hugs, Greta

  11. I certainly never would have known you were in a slump Ros, as this card is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Love your splattered green background with the white goosebumps, and your beautiful pink flowers too! Lovely, lovely card!! :0)

  12. Fabulous! I love the way you let the paint run so that it looks like grass. Beautiful job. :-)

  13. looks fab Ros...the flower on this bkg is so arsty looking and wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  14. Popped back to say Congratulations with the outstanding shout well deserved with this fabulous card x So different and so eye catching x


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