Thursday, July 20, 2017

A New Guy

Hello there!

I hope you are enjoying your week...
We still have good weather here and as the Golf Open has just started, the city is very busy. 
Ginger boy is doing ok so far... He is on pain medication and I am still awaiting part of his results. I have been told he has crystals in his bladder and there is a possibility he may have stones and hopefully I will find out today whether he has an infection.
The vet says I need to feed him prescription food from now on which apparently dissolves the crystals... So I paid a fortune for a supply of the stuff and of course he will not eat it!
God only knows what I'm going to do... Argh! it's such a worry.

Anyway, I thought I'd show you the latest member of the family, well for now anyways - I made this for Miss Sophia my great niece who loves dogs... She's 8 going on 28 if you know what I mean... 

I did follow a pattern which included an eye patch ... He was supposed to resemble a cute little Jack Russell pup, but I tell you, my pup just looked like a Pit Bull... And a pretty mean one at that Lol!

So the patch went, I moved the eyes closer together, stitched a nose and then I ended up making him a scarf and a hat 

And I think he looks kind of cute now... I guess we'll see what Miss Sophia thinks.

I'm off to The Netherlands tomorrow and I'll catch up with you all when I get home. Mikey is in charge of all the animals and who knows, maybe he can get Ginger to eat the food... (yeh, right)!

Enjoy the upcoming weekend

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh, my gosh, Ros! I can't stand how cute your little pup is! Ack!!! I especially love how sweet he looks in the middle photo with his head tilted downward. So adorable!! And then with the darling hat... your great niece will love him! I can't imagine him looking mean, but your changes sure fixed whatever was wrong with him. Maybe your Ginger will warm up to the new food when he feels better. The pain med might make him feel not quite himself. Enjoy your trip and know he'll be in good hands.

  2. What a sweet toy dog! Hopefully Ginger will start eating his food when he gets hungry and all will be okay. Have a great trip.

  3. Thinking of you an ginger boy...such a worry x You ended up with one cute pup, love the hat and scarf and hope Miss Sophia likes it???? Enjoy your trip to the Netherlands and looking forward to hearing all about it on your return x

  4. OMG this is so adorable Ros and perfectly created! Sophia is going to LOVE it ... so hugable! Love the modifications you made ... the hat & scarf are just precious!! Hope you have an enjoyable weekend and also hope Ginger is much better real soon! Such a worry I'm sure!

  5. A sweet little crocheted dog for your niece, Sophia! I'm sure she'll love it! Have a great trip visiting Stella! And, I hope that your cat, Ginger, improves very soon!

  6. Well I don't know how Sophia will resist this guy. Glad you went for the makeover. LOL Maybe Mikey can work some cat magic while you're away. Enjoy your trip! Hugs!

  7. I'm so jealous you & Stella are having a great time together--& the hubby's, too! Wish you guys would come here--if only we weren't so far apart! Thank goodness for the internet! I'm also jealous of Ms Sophia who gets this totally sweet, adorable pup! You are amazing, my friend--love all your projects! By the way, did your Schnauzer pup get a name yet? So hope Ginger cat is doing better & decides to eat the food! I think a lot of cat owners face that same problem, from what I hear. So hard to have our furbabies ill! Safe travels--looking forward to pictures!

  8. I can't believe how fast you are creating all these wonderful crocheted animals! And amazingly cute ones at that! Hope Ginger will do better soon and accept the prescription food... but from my experience, cats do not change their minds much...

  9. This is so cute Ros. Love the hat and scarf. Hope Ginger boy is OK and on his way to recovery.

  10. This is just adorable Ros and Miss Sophia is sure to love it. I'm sorry to hear of the problems with Ginger Boy and hope that he is eating well by the time you come home. Have a great time.
    Carol x

  11. Hope you are having a great time on your trip Ros! You are amazing, you are making the most adorable critters and they look perfect! Hope your ginger is better, none of them seem to like that food, it must taste pretty yucky!!

  12. Ros, you should be designing your own line of patterns! Miss Sophia is going to love this adorable little guy!! Have a wonderful time and I hope Ginger starts to eat the food which will make him better! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Wow! It's so fantastic! Perfect toy for a baby.
    Warm greetings!

  14. What a cute pup, glad to hear that Ginger is getting better, have fun and enjoy your vacation!

  15. Adorable puppy, you are quite talented with the 'needle', and your great niece will love him!! I hope Ginger is doing well, sometimes it is so hard to leave the animals and not worry, they are like our children, very special. I am sure he was in good hands though...glad you had a marvelous vacation too!

  16. Oh my How Cute is this! what a gorgeous gift!!! Sophia is going to be thrilled to bits with it XXX

  17. What a sweet doggie for Sophia, Ros, and I hope your cat is better. When my ginger cat, Bugsy had this problem, the steroids made him aggressive and he hasn't ever changed back to his sweet lovable self. At least he is sweet with us, he just doesn't act like a kitten anymore and he doesn't like the other cats.


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