Monday, July 03, 2017

Graduation Card

Hello there ...

Someone stole the sun... It was here yesterday but now it's gone!
My poor Ginger cat is distraught... He's been waiting in the garden just in case it returned, but gave up when the rain came, poor boy.

Tomorrow, Yes I know it's Independence Day, but it's also the day when Pat's beautiful Granddaughter, Faye, graduates. She works with Special Needs children and loves what she does!

So I made a special card for her

When I say special ... Well, what I mean is - It took ages! Lol! Stamping and masking those gulls and embossing them so I could colour them... I know you can probably do it quickly but not me...

And see that tiny tassel? Well that took 3 goes to make... I mean it's TINY! And my fingers are not, but I had it in my head to make a cap (just cut free hand) and a cap needs a tassel right?

Then I had to cover all those birds to do some blending... So yep, it's special... One thing's for sure, it won't be going in the bin anytime, if Faye doesn't keep it... like...ForEVER... Pat will whizz it! Lol!

And I STILL need to come up with something for the club this week... sigh... So I'm off to trawl my files for ideas...

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Hi your 'special' card. Lots of work but worth it in the end. Even CAS cards take me ages so you are not alone! If you are not familiar with the flowers in my last post (you probably are in which case apologies) then I think they would be great to do with a group......easy to prepare too...5 sheets of paper, glue and a kebab stick! Enjoy your week. xx

  2. What a fun card! That image is amazing, and I adore the tassel coming out of the hat! Have a wonderful holiday tomorrow! hugs :)

  3. What a lovely card for Faye. It's great, Ros. So original!

  4. One special card indeed and so worth the time and effort. Such fun too and loving the mini tassel, those funny gulls and the sentiment x

  5. Oh my word, special indeed! The cap with tassel is beyond fabulous, my friend & I love how you arranged everything not to mention the wonderful background! You always amaze me!

  6. wonderful card - I love that tassel!!!

  7. Oh, what a fun graduation card, Ros! I do love that sea gull set! The tassel is perfect! It would be a difficult task to complete! And, I'm sure the recipient will appreciate it! Fab card, love it!!

  8. It would not be quick for me. I'm pokey slow and that tassel would be a real challenge... but it's so cute! You've made the most darling cards with these gulls. Each gull seems to have its own character, even the ones that are exactly the same. What a darling stamp set! Love your background shading and the "water" on the sand.

  9. What a clever and effective idea and yes, masking takes forever. Thank goodness you didn't get to the end of the masking and then drop an inkpad on it! (I have done this,) Fabulous grad card.

  10. These guys are so super fun. Ros EVERY second you put into this card was worth the outcome. I highly doubt she will throw this cutie away. The tassle is way cool. :-)

  11. I know I've said it before: I love those gulls - and I love even more what you do with them! Such an adorable card!

  12. Haha, these gulls crack me up, they are so dang cute and what a clever sentiment! We have gulls all over at the lake house, we can always tell when it's going to storm though as they clear out!

  13. so fun.....amazing colouring Ros....giggle.
    happy stamping and tfs,


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