Monday, July 10, 2017

Just Us Girls


I hope your weekend went well... 

Today I'm sharing a card that I made over a week ago to send to a sweet blog friend and it just so happens to fit this week's challenge at

Unfortunately you really don't get to see a lot of the blending given that I added vellum over the top ... 
I used a stripe stencil and tilted it to get the first set of diagonal lines and then tilted it the other way to get the criss- cross effect - Two inks were used, Citron distress ink and Broken China oxide ink

I also used the same inks to blend onto the leaves and the flowers were coloured with copics

So yesterday we drove over to Derbyshire yesterday to visit hubby's granddaughter Felicity - The traffic was manic and it took us 3 hours to get there due to all the road works and congestion...Normally it only take about half that time.

I took the little crochet cat lovey I made for her 
Suffice to say she loved it!

And it was well worth the journey to see that little cutie!

Well, I hope you all have a lovely day

Take care

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh Ros...what a delight to see that little face with your gift! As you say well worth the journey. As for it, that sentiment is gorgeous on the vellum and your ink blending have a great imagination! Enjoy your week! xx

  2. Oh my goodness--she is just a doll! Must have made your heart sing to see how she loved the darling crocheted cat! Your card is a beauty, Ros! I really want to use my stencils more--you've inspired me, as always!

  3. Ros, your cards are always so beautiful. You truly have a gift. Love the background you made and the colorful flower. Perfectly placed sequins. It's just a delight! Speaking of delight... Felicity is darling and she truly seems delighted with her crochet kitty! What a joy!

  4. Ros, Your card is over the top Gorgeous! I found myself just staring at it for quite sometime! Love the diagonal panels and the colors you chose! Your lille GD is adorable too! Thanks for sharing your extreme talent with us at Just Us Girls!

  5. Oh Ros, the card is beautiful and yes I can see your blending! So much fun to see with the baby! Happy Monday!

  6. Thanks for sharing those photos Ros and yes she is a cutie! So glad she liked her comforter you lovingly made her...knew she would xx Such a summery card with a clever plaid design and such pretty colours together x

  7. Such a pretty card, Ros.
    You always make such crisply neat and lovely cards.
    Well who wouldn't love your crochet work....gorgeous.
    Have a creative week!

  8. Such a lovely card using the stencil, Ros! Beautiful color! And, what a darling photo of cute!! I'm sure she will very much enjoy the crocheted sweet!!

  9. Aw, you know cute babies make any visions of cards fly right out of my head, Ros! Thank you for sharing the joy on Felicity's face upon seeing her new little lovey!! And I'm just kidding about the card, I could never forget anything this striking and clever! It's a total winner in my book and I'm pinning! I hope your breathing becomes easier soon! Big Hugs, Darnell

  10. That is one happy Baby and soo cute and fun to see her enjoying your creations. I love what you did with this card. Letting the corners of your cards peek out from behind the velum with the pretty embossed sentiment creates a fabulous effect. Love it.

  11. This is a pretty card with very lovely colors and layers!
    What a cutie she is!

  12. Adorable and happy happy baby, especially with the gift she received..totally sweet! Wow, do I love this card, such happy colors and gorgeous as well!

  13. Lovely fresh colours - the vellum is perfect over the top. Thanks for sharing cute photos too.

  14. A gorgeous plaid background, Ros! Love the embossed vellum and sweet flower!

  15. Your card is delightful Ros! Just bought a few of the oxide inks to play with myself. Beautiful color combo and love the criss cross pattern. What a cutie that Felicity is. :-)


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