Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Hello there...

It's seems ages since I posted and it's certainly been ages since I did any papercrafting... I hope to rectify that today when Pat visits. With all that has been taking up my time I haven't had chance to get together with Pat so I'm looking forward to an afternoon of crafting. 
Thank you so much for your well wishes for my husband and my Aunt... I spent yesterday at the hospital with my DH and I am so happy to report that whilst they did find a rather large growth, it is benign.... YAY!
As for my Aunt, well things seems to have settled down and she is expected here on Friday (fingers crossed)... I have made so many plans that had to be cancelled time and time again, my brother and I are slowly losing the plot Lol!

So all I have to share today is my little daffodil girl... 

Crocheting has kept me sane as my sciaitica doesn't allow me time to sit for long on a hard chair, at least I can keep occupied on the couch

 ...And I love creating these dolls and learning as I go

Here are the two girls, Bluebell and Daffodil together 

 I hope to have some cards to share with you soon... Until then I'll enjoy seeing yours

Have a wonderful day and take care

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh that darn sciatica! Hurray for hubby's good report--what a relief! If I could crochet like this, I might not make cards--haha! Thank goodness you do both, my friend! Your dolls are just adorable & you seriously could open a boutique! Have fun with Pat--looking forward to seeing what you make & fingers crossed your aunt does get to come. Hoping she will see something that makes her realize she can live near you & be happy, but I know leaving her area & friends will be hard. Sending love & hugs, Greta

  2. Daffodil is adorable and a great companion for bluebell x Cross my fingers Aunt arrives safely on Friday!!! So very glad about the great news about DH x

  3. Oh Ros your little dolls are so cute! I do hope your afternoon with Pat was fruitful for you. So very glad to hear that hubby's tumour is benign...a weight off your you just need to get Aunt sorted and your Sciatica...I sympathize. Life and it's problems take over sometimes...and other things must take a back seat...but you seem to be going from strength to strength with your crocheting. Looking forward to seeing your next one in the line! Hugs xx

  4. Awe, another sweetie Ros! I love her fancy eyelashes and rosy cheeks! Just darling!

  5. Oh my gosh Ros...this little girl is just as cute as the other two you've made! I can't believe you're just learning to do this as they all look so professional...and absolutely adorable too! So glad to hear hubby is going to be ok and hopefully tomorrow (Friday) is the lucky day that it finally works for your aunt to come! Fingers crossed!! :0)

  6. I love your crocheted sweeties...

  7. What a sweetie Daffodil turned out to pretty and I love, love the yellow and how cute they look together....glad to hear things are maybe finally going to work out for your Aunt..keep us posted!

  8. Another adorable crocheted doll, cute!! LIttle Daffodil looks so sweet sitting next to her friend, Bluebell!! Great news regarding your husband with the mass being benign!! And, plans are moving forward with your Aunt being there on Friday, which is good news, too!
    Take care and happy crafting!!

  9. OMG Ros, these dolls are SO ADORABLE!!! And, just PERFECT!! GREAT job!! They are sure to be loved!!!

  10. So happy to hear your DH is doing well and his tumor was benign:-)

    Hope it works out for your Aunt this weekend too.

    Your daffodil and bluebell little girls are so sweet and will make a couple or one little girl very happy. I have been curious. How long are your little girls?

    I am about to start a knitted Christmas stocking for a friends new grand daughter:-) I have never shared my knitting projects on my blog..hmmm!

    TFS and have a GREAT time with Pat. Wish I could join you:-) Hugs..

  11. ALL you have today is Daffodil?!? I think she's precious and am more than happy to see another of your crochet creations. Don't sell yourself short Ros. They're wonderful. Fantastic news about your hubby. :-)

  12. Daffodil is adorable! The two of them side by side just tickle my heart. Truly. I couldn't wait to see her, but I've been awfully sick and slowly trying to get back among the living. Seriously good news about your hubby. Whew!

  13. Sorry for your sciaitica... it must be very painful.
    The Daffodil girl is so adorable with a shorter curly hair! She and Bluebell make a sweetest pair! Hideko

  14. Daffodil and Bluebell are a cute pair! Glad to hear aunt is coming soon! : )

  15. I'm just catching up after a busy time Ros and your dolls are absolutely adorable. You are so talented and I love the finishing touches like the eyes and the curly hair. I'm sorry to hear that you have been having such a rough time lately but thank goodness for the good news with your husband! Now you just need to get your Aunt sorted and your sciatica under control (sounds easy doesn't it lol?) I hope you had a fun crafting session with Pat.
    Take care of yourself.
    Carol x


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