Tuesday, October 10, 2017

This, That and Felicity's Birthday

Hello there...

A special little girl celebrates her first birthday shortly... My DH's Granddaughter Felicity
I can't believe how fast the time has gone!

Her parents are having a little party for her on Sunday in Derbyshire and though we have been invited,  I am unable to travel and DH refuses to go without me so we'll catch up with them another time.... Between you and me I'm happy I'm not going - It was Grandparents Day here a week ago and once again my hubby didn't get a single card from any of his 4 grandchildren... I know it hurts him and it makes me so mad!

Anyway, here's the card I've made for Felicity

Ink blending, stamping, masking and lots of glitter...

I cut out her name using the Cameo and stamped the polar bear (Yeah, I know he's a Christmas bear but I like him) before I removed the letters then put some double sided tape on the back and individually glittered each letter... I also used a die to cut out the balloons and glittered them too...Heck I'll be cleaning up glitter for the next few weeks! 

The little butterfly was from anther stamp set I got online - I love to mix and match

On another note, I went to my back appointment on Friday and had some acupuncture and manipulation which 'popped' something in my back and at least relieved the pain in my groin... I felt much better though it was still painful to sit ... Then when I woke on Saturday I was in so much pain down my leg I wanted to scream. DH was beside himself because nothing relieved the pain all day and night... Thankfully it has subsided to allow me less discomfort. I am due back there tomorrow for neurology testing and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that on Thursday I won't be screaming. I know it's going to be a long process but if it works and I can be 'normal' again after 9 months of struggling, well it will be worth it.

Finally I just want to thank the team at AAA Cards for awarding my card 1st place in their Autumn Colours challenge... That was something to smile about!

Ok... I have to move now so I'll wish you all a lovely day/evening

Take care

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh Ros...I am so sorry you are in so much pain with your back and I hope that things get better for you soon. Trust me I really do know how you feel. On to your lovely card...it really is pretty and I am sure it will go down well. Shame you are unable to travel to the 'party'but hope you can make up for it later. xx

  2. What a fabulous 1st birthday card Ros and the clean cut you got with the Cameo is amazing! I must admit that I didn't know about Grandparents Day being celebrated here - I just thought it was something that went on in the States. I just realised that means its been a long time since I visited a card shop lol!
    I do hope the treatment does the trick for you and that the pain starts to subside.
    Sending hugs
    Carol x

  3. This is such a sweet personalized birthday card, Ros! Your ink blending is so beautiful and smooth, and I love the adorable bear and the colorful glittery balloons! Sorry to hear your pain... I have a neck nerve problem, so I kind of understand how you feel. Good luck with the doctor appointment on Thursday. Hideko

  4. This is precious! Love that adorable bear and especially how you cut out her name and added the glitter. Perfectly fun for a one year old sweetie. Hugs!

  5. I don't understand how family can be so inconsiderate. How hard is it to send a card?! So sorry you're suffering, Ros. Hope this new clinic can bring you relief. The first BD card is a great keepsake for Felicity! Love how you used the bear with the butterfly & all the glitter--worth the mess! Sending big hugs, Greta

  6. Sorry to hear that you are going through all those pain, hope you feel better soon!
    This is a cute card for a little girl!

  7. Super cute card Ros! Love the shimmery balloons!

  8. Such a cute and adorable card and so personal. Yes that Christmas bear really does work and thanks for the idea of using one all year long x I have been playing with glitter this week and although not a fan of dry glitter I have enjoyed it...although very messy x Thinking of you today and sincerely hope you can find some answers and some relief x

  9. Awww...love the cute polar bear and all the glittery balloons..so sweet. I know the feeling we have 18 grandchildren (yep) and out of our 5 kids only one ever lets us know anything, so frustrating..in fact we had a soccer game to go to 2 weekends ago and it was to be at 1, but was changed to 10 and they never bothered to tell us, so we drove all the way there for nothing...now THAT is maddening! I hope you feel better soon, I have been having all kinds of health issues myself and understand all too well how you must feel...take care my friend!!

  10. Oooh, look at all that pretty glitter! So many different colors and it makes such a beautiful, fun, personalized card with the lettering. The polar bear is darling any time of year. Darn grandkids. What is wrong with them? A little consideration wouldn't hurt. Speaking of hurting, though, you're having a time of it and I'm so sorry! I sure hope the treatment does you some good. It does not sound like a pleasant experience.

  11. OMG Ros...could this card be any cuter?! Absolutely LOVE that bear with the butterfly on his nose...so sweet! I have lower back pain every day, so know somewhat what you're going through and hope you find some relief soon! Take care my friend!! :0)

  12. It seems that people just don't send cards now days. So many postings on the internet instead even with sympathy sentiments. But, I certainly prefer the receiving a nice card through the mail! The birthday card for Felicity is just darling, Ros! Love the bear and the glittery balloons...so cute! And, I do hope that you sciatica improves. It must be very frustrating. I hope you get some answers and improvement very soon! Take care, hugs!!

  13. Absolutely beautiful card - I can't believe the labour of love that the glittering must have been.

  14. Your card is gem!

    I am so sorry to hear you are in so mujch pain. How was your appointment today? Did you get something to reduce the pain?
    Sending a big hug and love,

  15. Well, who would know that it's a Christmas bear? He's just cute and your card is adorable! I'm sad to read, though, that you have been in so much discomfort and pain and do keep my fingers crossed that there will be an end to it soon and that it was all well worth it!


    I AM just cringing at your description of your pain! I hope you figure it out SOON!


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