Saturday, October 21, 2017

Top Cat

Good morning!

Strange title huh? Well, I'll share today's card first then I'll explain as I go

Early in the year we had another cat descend upon us, maybe I mentioned her at the time. No matter how we tried to deter her she would not leave. She took over the little cosy home we had outside for Tabby cat and bullied every cat that came to visit, including my own cats. Now my Ginger boy is the most laid back cat ever and even he was scared by her! That has really given me a headache I can tell you.

We tried everything... Had her scanned for a chip, paper collared her and she was shared over Facebook by tons of people. Even posters were put up everywhere in the hope someone would know where she came from. None of the homes would take her as they were completely unindated with kittens and so here she remained. The thing is, she is so affectionate with me and longs to be cuddled all the time - She wants to be Top Cat!

But right at this moment, someone is travelling over to see her with the prospect of giving her a home ... Eeek! I am so excited - Winter is coming and it will break my heart to see her out in the cold so I'm praying that they will like her and that she will like them too. Normally she doesn't come in the house but Ginger has given up his basket to her this morning in the hope that he will get his home and garden back Lol!

I'll let you know how it goes... Keep your fingers crossed please...

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. What a cute card! I love how it looks like the podium at the Olympics or some other sports event. I keep my fingers crossed - but looking at the picture of her I want to say "How could you ever let her go?!"

  2. Crossing my fingers x This must be so difficult for you x....and Ginger x

  3. What a fun card and beautifully colored too Ros! Your Top Cat is adorable too and I hope he finds his forever home soon!! Good luck!! :0)

  4. Beautiful card, beautiful stamps.
    Ooo...I hope so that they like the cat. here also on our farm, cats that abandoned. We have two cats in house that are put on our doorstep. So pity that people do. Every year we have that but I cannot keep all the time cats so they go to the animal shelter.
    today we have four cats. beautiful and so sweet cats. They comming also in the house, they are not really a farmcats. If you know what I mean.
    Good luck and fingers crossed.

  5. What a beautiful story, your cat! I would take her if I were closer!!!LOL! She looks like my Daisy. Your card is so cute as the design! Happy Fall!

  6. Ha! Your card is so adorable! What a crew! Love the frame opening and the whole gang is just so cute. I recognize your Ginger boy there. We had a juvenile stray come to live with us years ago. At first he wanted to befriend and play with our adult female cat, but she snubbed him and then he wound up teasing and bullying her. Eventually they kept their distance. He was the best, most affectionate cat we ever had. We loved him and were sad when he passed. I wish you luck finding your little guy a new home.

  7. Ahhh, that's why the title is "Top Cat". I hope she'll get a new home and stay warm inside in winter too.
    The coloring of your card is beautiful! Love the shadows, the highlights, and the background light sponging. The top cat looks so proud! Hideko

  8. I have to say...Top Cat really is pretty even if she is bossy!! Loved your fun colorful Top Cat card too! Keep us posted and good luck. Hugs..

  9. Awww...sweet card with all the darling critters!! And, what a pretty cat with beautiful markings! I hope she find a good home!

  10. Ah, she doesn't look a bit like a bully cat, does she? I'm sure that's part of her charm, lol! I hope you are able to find a new home for her soon, Ros! Your "pecking order" card is darling!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. Love your story and love your card. Waiting to hear about the rehoming.

  12. I hope Ginger will be the master of the house again soon:)
    This is the kind of card that makes me smile:)

  13. Adorable stamps and a cute cute card and what a fun post for Top Cat! Beautiful glad she did get a 'fur-ever' home!! Do you know we have 10 outside cats, all somewhat feral but the 2 kittens and one which is actually our cat, we have had her about 14 years....we did have about 14, but something keeps getting them...we have shelters, beds and a heated water dis for winter and a food feeder...we do what we can...sigh!

  14. Oh my gosh Ros this is the CUTEST card ever!! I love all the little sweet critters :)

  15. Poor Ginger cat--what a sweetie! So hope the new home works out & everything gets back to normal for all of you! I totally adore this card, Ros--so cute & the window opening is perfect!

  16. Love the frame, the kitties and the story. I hope this kitty has found a good home and the other kitties aren't having to fight for the top spot!

  17. LOL Fun idea behind your card layout. Poor Ginger. At least he didn't lose his cool. Hope kitty finds a new home.

  18. Super cute card Ros! Love all the sweet animals and your real cat is beautiful!

  19. So sweet, both the card and the kitty!

  20. Funny card but makes sense! So glad she was adopted before the cold by a family who wants to spoil her! I'm sure she misses you but YOUR cats must be so Happy!


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