Saturday, December 02, 2017

There's more...

Hello and Happy December to you all!
It's been very cold here lately with lots of hailstones but no snow as yet... I'm starting to panic a little as Christmas is just around the corner and the only thing I have done here is make a few cards. With sorting out affairs for my late Aunt, Hubby's hospital appointments as well as mine I can't say we've been idle... It's just the way it goes
Here's a couple more cards that I did with blended backgrounds...

... Using Distress Oxides and both clear and silver embossing powders

 Hubby is still awaiting a date for his hernia operation and since I last posted I've been for more X-Rays and another MRI, plus a nurse appointment and one with a consultant. Seems arthritis is the cause of the discs being pushed out and they are right in the lumbar region so the consultant wants me to undergo spine surgery and have rods and screws inserted. I'll have to wear a brace for a few months too... Going through airport security will never be the same Lol!
 It all seems quite daunting at the moment but hubby and I are looking forward to brighter days.

Thanks so much to all of you who sent messages and offered up prayers, and for all the wonderful cards I've received over the past few weeks following the passing of my aunt... You lovely people are the best!

Have a beautiful weekend

~ Ros ~


  1. Gorgeous cards, Ros--love the design with the polaroid type die & your wonderful backgrounds! Wow--a lot to deal with, my friend. So glad you can now look forward to pain relief & getting your life back. Sending big hugs, Greta

  2. Stunning blended backgrounds with clear and silver heat-embossing, Ros!
    I'm so sorry to hear that you may have to undergo spine surgery. Sending positive thoughts your way... Hideko

  3. Oh, Ros! I'm not making progress on anything but the cards and I don't even have a good reason for it. You've definitely got your hands full and a lot on your mind, yet you've still produced some beautiful cards. Chilly and wintry and, oh, so lovely!

  4. Gorgeous blended background, Ros! Very pretty with the silver embossing, too! I hope things slow down a bit for you soon! Take care and Happy Holidays!

  5. What a fancy set! Especially the transparent embossing adds interest to them. You do have a lot on your plate, though - my goodness. That operation and all that comes with it does indeed sound daunting but then you have been in pain for so long... Whatever will be decided, I keep my fingers crossed for the best possbile outome!

  6. These are lovely. I really like the pairing of your ink colors with the silver and those sentiments are gorgeous. Will keep praying about your upcoming treatment. hugs!

  7. Please keep us up to date with your progress and DH's. Surgery is never fun to look forward to, but if it relieves your pain, Ros and gives you back your quality life that would be great.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers my friend.

    Your 4 Christmas cards are so beautiful and your CAS designs exquisite. TFS and wishing the best Holiday season possible. With Love, Nancy

  8. I love, love your backgrounds, each one always so unique!! Another beautiful card! I hope both you and your hubby can get your health issues resolved very soon and are both feeling better for the holidays...take care my friend!

  9. Such pretty cards and love the embossing with the clear and silver x I am stunned about your back Ros......Sending love and hugs xx

  10. Wow Ros those are really beautiful! I love the colors😊

  11. That is a beautiful card, that background is awesome! Wishing you all the best in terms of medical issue, do stay warm!

  12. Absolutely stunning cards Ros, I adore them. xx

  13. I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering Ros. Sending thoughts and prayers your way! Your card is as beautiful as ever! Love the beautiful inky background and the gold embossed sprigs of pine! So elegant!

  14. I love the framing on these cards Ros and the embossing really makes them pop!
    I hope you both don't have to wait too long for your operations to get sorted out.
    Carol x

  15. LOVE the backgrounds and that embossing is just so Wonderful! Gorgeous, Ros!


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