Friday, December 08, 2017

Watercolour and Birthday

Good morning friends...

It's freezing cold here, such a contrast to those of you across the pond in California... My heart goes out to all those affected by the terrible fires and I pray that you are safe...

I have a watercolour card Christmas card to share that I am entering over at 

I did this one with Gansai Tambi paints and just added some splatters and a few die cuts

I also have a birthday card to share as one of my friends' is celebrating her birthday today... I always find it hard to switch from making Christmas cards to brthday cards so this one was kind of last minute

Once again I relied on my balloon dies to cut a stencil with and used various distress inks

I couldn't resisit putting that little kitty there and there's another one on the inside

My DH has finally had a date for his operation and it's next wednesday. That means he has to take things easy for 6 weeks... I'm at the same hospital the following day too, so I'm going to see if I can defer my back surgery for a while... Mikey will be taking care of us... Bless him. It's going to be a tough Christmas but at least we have each other and that's what matters...

Wishing you a wonderful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Your water color card is just lovely Ros! LOVE the gradient look of your background and that silver deer is awesome...beautiful, beautiful card! And your birthday card is just too the little kitty surrounded by all those fun balloons!! Sending extra prayers for you and your hubby and hope that 2018 will be a much healthier year for both of you!! :0)

  2. Wow--not much notice for the surgeries! Glad your hubby will get his taken care of & hopefully he'll be feeling good quickly. The only issue after my hubby had hernia surgery was starting the lawn mower & I managed to do that for him. At least you don't have grass to mow in the winter--haha! Hate for you to have a delay in getting back to life, Ros. Don't put it off too long. So thankful your son is close by & can help you guys. If only I could push a button & be there--I would! You're right--having the love of each other is what matters. Your cards are beautiful, Ros--I need to use my wc for some backgrounds like that! The BD balloons are just fabulous & the kitty in the window is brilliant! Sending Holiday Hugs, Greta PS--freezing here--had to drip the faucets. Hard to believe what's happening in So Cal--just hoping my brother & his family aren't affected. From what I can tell the worst of it is north of them.

  3. You created such an amazing wintry scene, it's gorgeous! I love your festive balloons and that little kitty peeping out on the birthday card. I am praying for quick and full recovery for both you and your husband!

  4. Such pretty cards Ros! Love the beautiful winter wonderland scene and the fun balloons!

  5. Ros Stunning, your winter scene is so beautiful. I love the starry night around your deer. the balloons are also such a fun theme, thanks for joinius at CAS Watercolour :)

  6. Gorgeous watercoloured background for your sweet Winter scene. Love your birthday card too...especially the added kitty in the window. Your stenciled balloons are so festive and cheerful. TFS your 1st card with us at CAS Watercolour my friend.

    Sending wishes of a speedy recovery to your DH..hope you do not have to delay your surgery too long. You can moan and groan together:-) Keep us in touch, Ros. A big hug...

  7. You have such a beautiful way with watercolor, and those stenciled balloons, sigh... Such pretty colors together, and with the kitty peeking -- so adorable! I want you to do what's best for you, but I'm rather hoping you don't have to delay your own surgery. Who knows how soon you can get it rescheduled? You're lucky to have Mikey. Yes, a tough Christmas, but it will soon be behind you and you'll be so much better for it. Sending hugs!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE your water coloring on the Christmas card and the kitty on the birthday card is irresistible! You guys are in my prayers! Keep us posted on the surgeries!

  9. Oh wow! The layering you created in your sky background looks amazing. You and your paintbrush get along so well. hee hee The balloon card is one I want to case for sure. Love the colors and the sweet little cat.
    Lots going on for you and hubby AND Mikey right now. Praying all goes well for his surgery and that you can deal with your own pain while giving him time to heal. Much love to you!

  10. Oh, such lovely cards, Ros! Sweet deer card with lovely background! And, awesome bday card with the darling kitty! Wishing your husband well for his operation next week. May he have a quick recovery! And, I hope things improve for you very soon, too! Glad to hear that your son, Mike, will be there to help you and husband. Family is precious! Take care, hugs!

  11. Two fabulous cards, Ros! The blue watercolor wash is so beautiful with some spatters. The white and the silver glitter die-cuts are perfect for the background.
    The happy colorful balloons are so pretty, and the kitten is ADORABLE!!! What a great way to stretch your dies!
    I hope both of you and your DH recover soon after the surgeries. Glad you have mighty Mikey! Hideko

  12. Two wonderful cards you made there - I'm always amazed at what you just whip out of nowhere like this birthday card. Your two surgery appointments are really short notice - but then you've been waiting for such a long time to get something done, it will be good that it finally happens! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of you!

  13. Sorry to hear about the chill as well as the upcoming surgery, I wish you both the best and speedy recovery after the surgery, wish I could be there to give you a big hug!
    I also wanted to let you know that I got your email, thanks for writing my dear friend, it has been a crazy week here for me and I will get to that as soon as I find time.
    I love your beautiful creation, always admire your talent.
    Stay warm!

  14. Your watercolour winter scene is gorgeous Ros!! Love that sparkle from the glitter deer and stars. And the birthday card is so fun! Your friend is going to love it. Especially that adorable kitty peeking through the window!

    All the best to you and your husband with your surgeries. It's wonderful that Mikey will be there to help out. Take care and have a wonderful Christmas.

    Thanks for sharing your winter card with us at CAS Watercolour! xx

  15. What a delightful first card, so pretty and such a fun second one x I shall be thinking of you and your husband for tomorrow and for you on Thursday x So glad that Mikey will be there for you both x Love and hugs Ros x

  16. Your two cards are really contrasting! The first one is beautiful and wintry - love ths sky. The second is so colourful, fun and cute - the aperture is a great idea.

  17. Your watercolor scene is so serene and peaceful, Ros! And I love, love, love the way you used these balloons! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

    Sending prayers for successful surgeries and for the blessing of your son.

  18. More stunning cards, you have such a talent for card making!! Love them both and the stenciling on the balloon one is amazing..soft, so pretty..WOW!! I wish you the best with all you and your hubby have going with the health issues and that things improve for you all!! How are the fur babies..staying all cozy inside? Our outside ones I feel sorry for, but they have cover and cat beds and straw and we have an electric water bowl so they can have water..I am ready for Spring!


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