Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hey Gull Friends...

I'm so grateful for your kind wishes and feeling much better and so over the disappointment of cancelled surgery, which has now been re-scheduled for next week, 17th.
Unfortunately DH is really struggling now with a hacking cough and cold... I think I'll have to ask him to go live in the shed so I don't get his germs Lol!

I got to make some cards yesterday, well, there are a few birthdays this month and I also wanted to send a few surprises out.
Of all the cards I did last year two of my favourites were using the the gulls by MFT and one I did with colour blocking so I went with them again...

This is almost a copy of the other one but bolder in colour and with some gold touches

- It's for my husband's SIL

The next one is for a friend

 I don't think I'll ever tire of that smug looking gull

Again some gold embossing...

Heck, I love him!

Have any of you had problems with blogger and leaving comments? Maybe it's my computer but it took me ages to visit you all today, I mean doesn't blogger know it's hard for me to sit down for any length of time? Phew! 
I gotta go now and get a cup of tea...

Have a great day

~ Ros ~


  1. Sweetie is the title of your post right? You wrote firends and I assume you meant friends!

    I struggled with Blogger too; it took me ages to get my comments published. I think it's not your computer but it's Blogger again...

    Oh how I love that colour blocking; and the colours you've chosen are gorgeous. Your gull put a smile on my face.

    Send DH to the shed LOL! Next week has to go as scheduled. It's about time you get rid of that horrible pain!

    Sending love XXXXX

  2. I hope your surgery goes well Ros and I hope your husband feels better! Your cards are wonderful! Love the pretty background and gold sentiment on the first! The second is darling! Love the shimmery clouds!

  3. Good news about the new date Ros but sorry to hear about DH...The shed it is then! x I absolutely love your cards Ros, you have this unique style and you mix colours and layouts so perfectly...very creative lady x Your first card is amazing, love the colours, the black line stamping and then the pop of gold....stunning! Yep I am with you on that adorable and smug looking Gull...fabulous! x Took ages to leave comments today too x

  4. Cute, CUTE cards Ros...I love that MFT Gull set too!! And I'm so glad you mentioned something about blogger being so slow for is for me too and is driving me nuts!! Glad to hear surgery has been re-scheduled and hope your hubby gets better really quick so he doesn't have to go live in the shed!! :0)

  5. On my goodness..all three are fabulous!!! You might have convinced me to get that gull at some point, it is so darn CUTE!! I love how you have done the embossing in gold, me with all the EB powder I own need to do it more often!!
    As for the commenting..YES..and it is driving me NUTS....I have a ton of it to do for challenges, but have put it off and also I noticed that it comes and says..NOT a secure site, someone may be trying to get your information, bank accounts and credit card info...WHAT??? So I have jumped right out of there!

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a quick and speedy recovery and that this surgery will ease your pain...pain it NOT fun, I know!!

  6. Funny, I was thinking about your gull cards yesterday and how much I loved them. I'm not sure what sparked that memory, but now here you are with another and I'm absolutely delighted! Each of your cards are so different and each as fantastic as I've come to expect. Love both! I'm glad to hear your surgery has been rescheduled without too long a wait. Whew! Relief is in sight! Also, Blogger's "publish" button has been very slow responding for me, too. It takes forever to make a few comments!

  7. Your cards are fabulous Ros and I too love the smug look on the gulls face! LOL! Sorry hubby is not feeling well and OMG, be careful he doesn't share it with you and have to delay that surgery AGAIN. As far as the computer issue ... it's NOT just you! I too have been dealing with the same issue. Sometimes have to click publish two or three times before it finally takes it ... uugh and I agree ... commenting already takes up a lot of my time ... sure would be nice if blogger cooperated. Hang in there and stay healthy!

  8. Beautiful Ros. Love the glittery sentiment and the sheer band with the embossing. The bird card is adorable, love the sentiment. hugs :)

  9. Ros I love these cards especially the gull one that is SOOO fun,made me smile!! Hope all goes well and you are able to have your surgery next week for sure!

  10. Happy to hear you are feeling better about things and that your surgery is next week. It'll be here before you know it. Sorry to hear your husband is struggling with a cold. Yes, steer clear of him for you don't want the! Your cards are so lovely! Wonderful color blocking with soft colors! And, do love that MFT gull set! It's just so fun and pretty with the touches of gold! Take good care, hugs!

  11. What lovely cards, Ros - the gullfriend in particular really made me smile! I was sorry to hear about your cancelled surgery, though... keeping my fingers crossed on the 17th and am sure it will turn out really well! Oh yes, I do have trouble commenting on blogger, though so far not on your site. I think.

  12. Adorable, beautiful, creative, unique...gull darn..I just LOVE both of your cards, Ros.

    Our internet has been slow...including with I hit does not spin, just takes time to go thru. Enough time that at 1st I would click again. Now I just wait and it eventually it goes thru. Probably only seconds, but seems longer.

    Take care of DH from a far...darn it anyway. Hugs

  13. Those gulls always make me grin and I really like the look of the color blocking on the first card. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Hugs!

  14. I'm so glad you asked about Blogger, as I've been wondering if it was my computer. Now I'm thinking it's Blogger if we're both having the problem. So glad you were able to make some cards, Ros--just love these! Your color blocking is really beautiful & I want to try it now! The gull is so cute & embossing the grasses in gold is brilliant--never would have thought to do that! Yes, for sure--hubby goes to the shed, poor guy! Never thought we'd use the 32 ounce bottle of hand sanitizer (I had expected hubby to buy the 8 ounce size), but now it's 1/4 gone as I use it about every 10 minutes & so far hubby hasn't caught my virus!

  15. I love that scene you've put the seagull in - he's so cute. The colour blocking is fabulous.

    What a challenging time you are having! I hope your operation goes ahead okay and you get well soon.

  16. I am in awe of your beautiful cards - your blog is so special!!

  17. I made a note on my calendar on the 17th. I'll be praying for you then, and before that you stay healthy! These are both wonderful birthday cards, Ros! Your color blocking is such a fantastic design element, and that gull - girl, it cracks me up! Stay well!

  18. Such a beautiful color blocking card and a fun gull card, Ros! I love the facial expression of the gull! He makes me smile. :-) Your coloring is wonderful! Love your subtle touch of gold of the first card too. Hideko xx


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