Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I'm Back...

I'm so happy to finally be able post today ...
Thank you so much for all your cards, emails and well wishes... My surgery is over and so far it has been a great success. I no longer have that debilitating leg pain and joint pains and I am completely mobile. In fact I was walking up and down the stairs the day after my surgery. 
Mikey and Ian have been terrific, I was in theatre and recovery for a total of 7 hours so it was a great relief for them to see me for a brief time before they had to leave. It wasn't all plain sailing but I got to go home 3 days later and boy, was I glad to be home. Ginger cat licked my face all over and never left my side for the following few days.
I'm not going to say that I am totally pain free, everything needs to settle over time but I am so grateful for the skill of the surgeon and to be on the road to recovery at long last. I have a diary full of hospital appointments along with some physiotherapy so I am being well monitored.

I do have a little card to share with you ... A friend of mine underwent surgery some months ago and having lost her legs many years ago to meningitis, recovery is always a long process for her. She doesn't have the same circulation as people with limbs plus she encountered some organ damage at the same time she lost her legs making it even harder so this is a card I made for her

She is the most amazing lady and a doctor too and I can't wait until we are able to see each other  again

I used a stencil for the BG and a mix of different stamps plus a cloud border.

Pat is popping over shortly so I'll say bye bye for now and hope to visit you all soon ... I'm really looking forward to seeing what I've missed!

Take care my friends and have a beautiful day


~ Ros ~


  1. SO glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you are doing so great and moving pretty much pain free now! Don't do too much too soon and give yourself time to totally heal Ros...stamping is a good way to take it slow and easy! :0) Your card is just lovely and I'm sure will be much appreciated by your friend!! LOVE what you did with the cloud!! Take care of yourself my friend! Hugs!! :0)

  2. Goodness, Ros, I hardly know where to start! It's such good news about your surgery outcome. It's been a difficult road, but one you've traveled bravely. I'm hoping now that complete relief will soon be yours. You certainly deserve it after all you've endured. Your friend is one who has prevailed in the face of adversity. Hers is a sad story that reminds me to count my blessings yet again. Now... your card! It's the prettiest thing! A darling stamp embossed in gold over the gently shaded bubbly background. You do amazing things with stamps and inks. Love, LOVE the cloud die up top. So cheerful! As soon as you were able, the first thing you did was think about someone else. You're a kind soul. Keep feeling better!

  3. Hurrah! So, so happy to hear the good report, my dear friend! Oh my goodness--this is one of my favorite cards! Absolutely love how you popped up the cloud border & the stenciled background is perfect with those wonderfully stamped images! Have fun with Pat--I know you will! Sending hugs, Greta

  4. So good to hear from you Ros and thrilled that everything went well. Here's to a speedy take it easy now x Such a beautiful card, beautiful colours, great stamp and love the pop of gold. Hope you enjoyed your day with your friend Pat? x I have been thinking of you and sending virtual get well soon vibes xx

  5. Hello Ros,

    I've been away from my craft room looking after my DH after his hip replacement, so I have just been catching up on your blog. My what a time you have had with both of you having surgery so close together! However, I'm so pleased that both went well and that the two of you are on the road to recovery. I truly hope that 2018 is a better year for you and that you can, at last, do all the things you have been wanting to do. I love this pretty card and the birds tweeting to each other are sending me away with a smile on my face. I'm sure your friend will love this. Belated birthday greetings and I'm pleased that you had a good day.
    Carol x

  6. Thanks for the update - I'm so glad things finally seem to be on the upswing for you, wooo-hooo! And that is a lovely card you made... I hope you get to be creative again soon!

  7. Lovely card Ros! So glad all went well and that you are on the road to recovery! Take care, hugs,

  8. Thank GOD you are on the mend and your pain has subsided! You were in my prayers! Your kitty KNEW you needed attention and so glad you were able to see your boys after! Take care of yourself!
    LOVE this SWEET card with the gold embossing, the cool BG and the cloud die! I KNOW she loved it!

  9. So happy to hear that you are feeling better, Ros!! I know that you have been waiting quite awhile to feel better! You have healing and therapy to do, but I hope that all progresses very well! It was great seeing a lovely card from you! Your friend will surely appreciate it! The background with the soft circles is very eye catching. Darling sweet birds, too! You take good care, hugs!!

  10. Glad you are doing well after surgery. Must be fun to get back into the craft room again.Love the background that you created tor the fun birds and the border almost looks like a curtain window.

  11. So good to see you posting again Ros and so happy to hear things are going well (prayers being answered!) This card is fabulous and I have no doubt will bring a big smile to your friends face! Keep up the good work ... sounds like you are on the right path! Hugs from Ohio

  12. It's so good to one of your fab cards again. And I am so happy that you are on the road to recovery.
    Till soon; hugs!

  13. How wonderful to hear your update, Ros. Everything sounds so positive, including your surprise!
    Your special amazing friend is going to LOVE your sweet and beautiful CAS card, especially knowing you are also recovering from surgery. TFS and Take care, my friend. Hugs..

  14. Ros, I'm so so happy and relieved to hear that your surgery went well and you're free from the awful leg pain and joint pains!! Now you see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can picture how excited Ginger was to have you back at home.
    The card for your dear friend looks full of love and care you have for her. I love the soft stenciled circles and the sweet birdies. You friend sure appreciates the card. Hideko xx

  15. You always find a way to add the best backgrounds to your cards. Stencils, inking, splatter, always looks amazing. hugs!

  16. Awe, so sweet Ros! Love the poke a dot background and sweet golden birds!

  17. OH these are beautiful with those gorgeous colors it!!! I am so glad you are feeling so much better, my hubby has so much pain right now I wish he would go and have his leg looked at, since Thanksgiving it's been going on. Oh and I will shoot you an email today, I promise (I have to run out for a bit today while the roads are good, so it will be this afternoon), that is so weird about the card , only our mail systems,!! Hugs to you!~!!

  18. That is such terrific news, Ros! You have been suffering for far too long, so it's wonderful to hear that you are completely mobile and in a lot less pain than before the surgery! Ian and Mikey must be over-the-moon, too!! Your card for your amazing friend is so cheerful and thoughtful! It will definitely cheer her as she continues her road to recovery. Hugs, Darnell

  19. I'm so thrilled that the surgery was a success! It sounds like recovery is going well, but certainly it will take time. The card for your friend is wonderful! I love the gold embossing with your stenciled bg, and that cloud border tops off the design! Again, so happy you're recovering well!

  20. I'm so glad your surgery was a success!! I love this card - the way you added colour looks amazing. I think I'll pin this one for inspiration.

  21. So good to have you back and I smiled hearing your Ginger licked you and never left your side. I have always been a dog person and never knew cats could be so loving!!
    Your card is gorgeous...especially love the cloud border cut...fabulous
    Dr Sonia

  22. First of all, I am so glad to hear that the surgery is over and you are in great condition, so happy to know that!
    Next, I want to say THANK YOU for the candy that came in the mail on Friday, it is so sweet of you, thank you my friend, especially the sweet note you sent me! So glad to have you as my dear friend!
    I am sorry to hear about your friend, I wish her all the best for her recovery as well, your lovely card definitely put a smile on her face, it is so pretty, I love the background and the gold embossing!
    Thank you once again my friend, do stay warm and happy! : )


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