Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Sending Love

It's been quite a while since I posted... Just dealing with a few things, my Aunt's estate, hospital appointments as well as a few up and down days...

I spent some time making projects for the Thursday club, though I haven't been able to attend at all this year, and Pat has covered for me, it seems only right that I try and make a few projects to help her along.
Then with my down days caused by a fair amount of pain, inspiration left me.

I did want to try the faux enamel technique using just embossing powders and finally I gave it a go and had fun... Here's a card I made today with feathers cut from one of the pieces I did

I discovered that not all embossing powders work the same and things can get quite messy but I loved the look, especially when the light catches it

Funny how you don't even see the gold from this angle

The love stamp is one of a set sent to me by my dear friend Rebecca and I think it was all that was needed along with a few paint splatters

I hope you are having a good week, sending love

~ Ros ~



  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Ros...love when the light hits the feathers so you can see the gold! Lovely, lovely card my friend! :0)

  2. That's amazing how it changes in the light. One could almost think you'd made three different cards. And sooooo beautiful with the faux enamel technique which, of course, I haven't tried because I'm not very techniquey, tsk tsk. It takes patience to make something this beautiful. The "love" stamp is so pretty with the leaves as part of the script. I'm sorry to hear you're still having so much pain. Since your surgery was so extensive I imagine this is a normal part of recovery, but I do hope your "normal" is soon pain free.

  3. Those feathers are wonderful Ros...such lovely colours in them and a super card too...you certainly haven't lost your touch even if mojo is wandering! Hugs xx

  4. Totally cool effects...from whatever direction. Take care of yourself. :-)

  5. OMG..Your die cut feathers from your faux enamel pieces turned out Beautifully, Ros. I am wishing you many more Up days than Down days, my friend. Hang in there..so glad you were able to create your beauty. Hugs..

  6. Oh, your card with the feathers is just gorgeous, Ros! Beautiful color and love the gold! Hope you have more days of feeling better that outweigh the tough days! Take care, hugs!!

  7. Absolutely stunning and unique card. Fun to find out about the different powders and how they react etc. Gorgeous colours together and that gold really pops x Sorry to hear you've been down and in pain Ros x

  8. I LOVE how your leaves turned out, especially when you photographed the bits of gold. The splatters are perfect and that one word is all you needed! Sorry about your pain.

  9. I learn something every time I come to visit Ros! I haven't heard of faux enamelling before but you certainly make me want to try it with this gorgeous card.
    I'm sorry to hear that you have been having too many tough days and I hope the hospital appointments will yield good results soon.
    Sending a big hug my friend.

    Carol x

  10. Just stunning, my sweet friend! You are so good with techniques & glad you were able to have some fun crafting! You're in my thoughts as I continue to wish improvement for you! Love & hugs, Greta

  11. So pretty and creative Ros! Love the fancy feathers!

  12. Stunning feathers, love all the gold too and the splatters. I sure hope you get back to feeling better soon, it all takes time, but if you are like me, you have no patience for it. Don't feel bad, it's been rather crazy here too, seems it's one thing after another! Get better!!

  13. This is amazing! I love all the different volors on these feathers - and of course the gold is just stunning! Fantastic card!

  14. WOW! Fantastic, I love this card with amazing feathers!

  15. Wow! The enamel effect is gorgeous!

  16. Wow, gorgeous faux enamel feathers, Ros! You've achieved a wonderful blend of embossing powder. The shine of the gold and the paint spatters enhance the beauty of the feathers. Hideko xx


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