Monday, March 12, 2018

This and That


It's been a while since I posted and days spent making projects for my group leaves me lacking in inspiration for my own cards... I have quite a few birthdays to cover this month and sadly a few sympathy cards to make too...

I saw a super card made by the talented Tasnim Ahmed Here
As my husband's grandson will be 3 years old in a few days, I thought it would be a great card to Case... Here's my version for a 3 year old

It was easy enough to cut the number on my Cameo and the little diamonds are off cuts from earlier projects

I got the little cars and the flag from the internet

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get to visit you all lately, there's been so much going on and a lot to deal with this year... As you may remember my husband has family in Cornwall and in January his cousin Joyce died.... On my birthday as it happens. Shortly afterwards her youngest son had a stroke but thankfully he is now doing well. Of course due to our own health issues we haven't been able to travel so it came as another blow to learn that Joyce's eldest son is in now hospital with an extremely rare and painful cancer. The oncologists are struggling as are the family and I've spent many hours on the phone with them. Your prayers for Andy would be very welcome...
As if this were not enough, my friend lost her lovely husband last week too... He was such a gentleman in every sense of the word and will be missed.

So I am now going to grab a coffee and then make my way through my blog list...

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Adorable card Ros, couldn't be any cuter and perfect for a 3 year old! I am so sorry for all your losses and health issues of your family and yes prayers for Andy and you all! There has been a lot going on here as well and some days when I wake up I ask myself, okay whats next?
    so, a BIG hug to you my friend and I hope things will get back to normal for you soon and the sun will shine!!

  2. What a cute, cute card Ros and one I am going to save to use for my own grandson at some point...he's only 9 months old right now. I'm so sorry to hear all the problems your family has been going through...I will definitely be sending more prayers your way! Hang in there and take care...brighter days will be coming! :0)

  3. When it rains it pours...we have all been through so much in the past 6 months, Ros...prayers are with all you mentioned. Now, I am going to have to case your card...this is so fun and a great design...hope I can use it to inspire my own design to sell...Would not copy yours and sell it! Just perfect for a young man!

    Hope your day is sunny at heart since you probably are gray today...we are cold again but sunny!

  4. Oh what a difficult time for you & your family, my dear Ros. My heart aches for you & I continue to keep you in my thoughts. Hope my virtual hugs are making it to you, as I've sent you many! You found the perfect inspiration for a 3 yr old's card--so adorable! Sending more love & hugs--your blogging sister, Greta

  5. Such a unique and great card for the birthday boy x What awful and sad news Ros...What a terribly time of it you and your family are having. Sending heartfelt thoughts, prayers for Andy and hugs x

  6. Super cute card Ros! Surely Luke will love the little red cards! How fun! Happy Birthday Luke!

  7. Such an adorable and clever card, Ros! I love it to bits. I'm keeping you and your close ones in my thoughts and prayers. So terribly sorry for all your loss and this really hard time.

  8. My heart goes out to you dear Ros for you've experienced many hardships lately with losses and health issues. I will definitely keep Andy in my prayers. Your birthday card for your husband's grandson is adorable with the big number three and race cute! Sending warm hugs your way, Ros! Take care, HUGS!!

  9. How utterly adorable to make the "3" into a race track! The cars and the flag... between your Cameo and the internet you found the absolute perfect parts for it. You must have had some foresight when you saved those diamond pieces because they are just the ticket for this card. Incredibly cute! Ros, I'm sorry about all the recent sadness in your family. You and your husband are having a tough time of it and I know you would be there to visit if you could. And on top of it, you're hurting for your friend now, too. I can't imagine her sorrow and I know you're feeling it with her. Gentle hugs from me to you. Gosh, I wish I could fix it all.

  10. Oh my Ros - what a lot of sadness in your life right now. I suppose you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and share all the love you can.
    This is such a cute and creative card and I'm sure your Grandson is going to love it.
    Sending a big hug
    Carol x

  11. Such a Happy and Bold 3rd Birthday card for your step grandson, Ros. He will love it.

    Sorry to hear about all the sadness in your life and your family and friends. Unfortunately it is part of the cycles of our lives. Treasure your memories...those do not go away:-) I will be keeping you in my prayers. Sending A big Hug!

  12. Totally fabulous card Ros, I love the little cars on it,,,toooo cute! Im sorry that your family has been hit with so much tragedy! You are in my thoughts and prayers and Will add Andy to my prayer list. Take care of yourself!

  13. First of all, such a fun card!
    I am sorry to hear about the loss of some dear ones around you, and hope that Andy recover soon! Do take care my friend!

  14. What a clever idea for a little boy's card! I'll have to tuck that idea away too. Ros, you have been through so much lately. My prayers are with you and I put Andy on my prayer list now too.

  15. What a cute idea! I think I know how you ended up with the diamond scraps - but I wouldn't have thought to keep them! I will now!

  16. What a fun birthday card, Ros! This is perfect for a 3 year-old boy! Luke will love it!
    I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family have been having a tough time...
    Sending heartfelt thoughts, prayers for you and Andy. Hugs, Hideko

  17. I want to first say I'm so sorry for all that has befallen Ian's cousin's family. So tragic. I will certainly pray for Andy's recovery - enough is enough! And I'm sorry to hear of your friend's husband's death. Sympathy cards are the hardest, but also the most needed.

    And cards for little boys aren't that easy either, so I love, love, love this design as much as you did, Ros, so now I will bookmark it to CASE YOU! It is just the cutest - simple, but so effective! I can just picture the little guy tracing his finger around the curves!! Hugs and here's to better days ahead! Darnell

  18. I don't have quite as many with health issues but the ones I do are serious so I know how it weighs on the heart. Sending prayers for the boys. Your card is so cute. He's going to love those little race cars speeding around the three.

  19. A delightful card for a little boy - I really do like the race track effect. It sounds like you and your loved ones are having a difficult time at the moment and so I send you lots of love.


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