Saturday, April 21, 2018

Blooming Flowers

Oh my goodness, we've had some beautiful summer weather these past few days andwhat a difference it makes...
Everything seems to be awakening and my lilac tree this year is showing signs of being full of blooms. Last year I only got one... One! 
So whilst my kitties are enjoying the sunshine and my hubby is painting his shed, I can share another card with you
I'm trying to get ahead with birthday cards and I picked up this stamp in a sale recently, well, it's a set by Woodware,  the main stamp being the flowers

To add a little interest I did cut a triangle shape through it and popped it up
I'm also trying to get ahead with projects for the Thursday group - It was so busy last week and they are getting real quick at putting things together now. I have at least an hour to fill for 30 people which is no easy feat especially when I have to cut out all the bits for them so any suggestions would be welcome Lol!

I hope you enjoy your weekend and that the sun pays you a visit too

Take care

~ Ros ~


  1. So very bright and cheerful, a fabulous stamp and card! Glad you are having some good weather, we are too, finally...still a bit cool but no rain or snow so I will take it!! Hope to get outside later today and tomorrow and begin the winter cleanup!Have a wonderful day my friend...oh and tomorrow I am working with a group of special needs adults, it is called SundayFunday, we are potting up some flowers, have snacks, play bingo ... about 30 total...see you have inspired me to help others!!

  2. Yes actual sunshine here today too x Love the vibrant colours and contemporary layout on your gorgeous card. Maybe your club participants can do a little more for themselves now???? I remember you saying ages ago that you do most of the cutting out/prep work, as they got the glitter etc everywhere x Having now typed this I am thinking that in the long run it is probably best that you do most of the prep work etc....LOL x

  3. What a pretty, bright and FUN card Ros! I LOVE that triangle in the center of your card...something so different that it really makes you take another look!! Lovely, lovely card my friend! And so glad to hear you are getting some sunshine...we are too finally and I'm loving it!! :0)

  4. OMG this is such a beautiful creation and awesome design! Great job! Happy Day!

  5. Yes--the sun has arrived for us, too! You should see the row of Cherry Blossom trees on our street--so gorgeous! You are an amazingly clever card maker, Ros--never would have thought to use a triangle this way & I absolutely love it! Sending cheery thoughts & love, Greta

  6. A brightly colored image on crisp white -- oh, how I love it! Those flowers are fun and happy for a birthday card. Love how you added the triangle. You think of the most creative things. Good luck preparing for your group. Sorry, no ideas for you. I had a hard time coming up with things for my Stampin' Up! group when I was a demonstrator. We always had the best time, though.

  7. How clever Ros and so very effective...and classy too...lovely stamp and coloring. Enjoy your Sunday! xx

  8. Popping up the panel adds great interest to this bunch of sunny blooms Ros. Really fun design.

  9. Such a fun technique and perfect for a dynamite CAS card. Great sentiment for this card too.

  10. Full of wonderful bright color and love the popped up panel! The row of flowers are simply gorgeous! Yes, bring on the sun! The sun has finally shone its brightness the past couple of days. The temps are slowly climbing. Spring is behind here, but it’s certainly on it’s way! Take care and have a great week, hugs!

  11. Now, listen, Ros, you have to remember how powerful you are meteorologically speaking! You did a darling seagull post last time beseeching the sunshine to appear and it DID!!! The flowers it brought to this fun fold card are sensational! Sorry I can't help with class ideas, but there must be tons of them online because of all the SU demonstrators there are in the world. It's a ton of work putting together all the bits and pieces of a card kit. They are lucky to have you as a teacher!! Hugs, Darnell

  12. Love that sentiment and the sheer happiness that's radiating from that card!

  13. Oh my goodness, this card is so delightful! Love the bright colours of the blooms against the white background - and your triangle piece sure adds a lot of interest to your card - very clever you are! Just an overall wonderful card. I need to get ahead for birthday cards as well, but I keep putting it off - I'm going to run out of time pretty soon.
    Hope your having a wonderful day! TFS

  14. That triangle is a clever idea and I love these bright colours.

  15. Fun and bright! That is a beautiful card!

  16. Those flowers are so bright and Gorgeous!


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