Friday, July 13, 2018

Just Because

Hello there...
We had rain last night... I never thought I'd be so happy to see rain but you can't top the scent of summer rain... It's glorious. 
We really needed it, the tree covered land that surrounds the rear of our house is so dry and with the upcoming school holidays I have been concerned that some idiot would think it fun to start a fire. The consequence would be awful... Here's hoping it doesn't happen.
Today I have another card mostly made from BG pieces I've painted and stashed over the months - They don't always look that inspiring until I die cut shapes from them and then I'm glad I kept them

I used 2 dies... Avery Elle's Coral dies which I never tire of and a PTI (waves) cover plate
The cover plate is quite large so I cut part of it off and inlaid some of the pieces back 

I used a combination of Vibez sprays and watercolour on the BG piece together with some gold splatters and I had enough to cut out one of the corals too. The purple coloured one is all watercolour.

The sun has come out and Ginger cat is making the most of it...

Wishing you all a lovely day 

~ Ros ~


  1. WOW...this is absolutely STUNNING Ros and even more so because it was made with bits and pieces!! LOVE the colors against the crisp white...perfection my friend!! :0)

  2. Yes the rain has been most welcome Ros...Your card is stunning with fabulous colours and die cuts. Love how you've popped some pieces back into the wave cover plate die. Wonderful and so beautiful x.

  3. Now that is one spoiled kitty cat! Summer rain is wonderful--we got just a smidge a few days ago, but now it's 90s every day--yuk! Always love seeing your unique, beautiful creations, Ros--this is so cool! That cover plate looks perfect with the coral!

  4. Ros, this is gorgeous. You have so many wonderful prepared backgrounds, which is always nice to have on hand. I love how you used PTI wave cover plate as well. Lovely colours. You need to send that rain over here, we are in another heat wave with temps over 100 again, no sign of rain!
    enjoy your weekend!

  5. Love the awesome background even they are scraps from previous project, this is totally gorgeous!!!!

  6. LOL Oh my goodness Ginger cat is looking pretty hefty there. Seems to be very happy soaking up the sun on your swing though. The card is lovely. It's very cool and refreshing. Soothing to the eyes and heart. :-)

  7. I just LOVE what you have created! WOW! And Ginger is so Sweet!

  8. Gorgeous inlayed background for your coverplate, Ros. Love your die cut coral, which I never tire of you using. I love the clean, crisp flow of your beautiful card, my friend. TFS Hugs..

  9. Beautiful! This is a show stopper, Ros. Brings that cool ocean breeze right into my living room. Love the dies and your backgrounds. True that you never want to throw out any of them because those corals look perfect to me. We could use some rain, too. I'd love a good downpour so I wouldn't have to water the garden. Ginger cat might feel differently about the rain. She looks pretty comfy there!

  10. Lovely colors of the corals and the background sea, Ros. It's refreshing to see the wave die used vertically and a few pieces are inlaid back.
    Ginger looks so cute and content! :-) Hideko

  11. It amazes me what you create with your left over pieces, so crea5ive! A very lovely card in beautiful color! We desperately need rain here. It was very hot and humid today. The photo of Ginger is just darling! Have a great week!

  12. This is beautiful - great combination of dies and the bg looks like waves and clouds...
    No rain here, unfortunately- our lawn is straw.

  13. It seems like the hot weather keeps you with the ocean and more accurately: underwater themes! Truly beautiful!

  14. Stunning card Ros, I just love it, your gorgeous colours and the wavy die cut is super the way you've used it.

  15. This is beautiful. Weather in Australia is fickle at the moment here as well, drought, record high temps and about 2 seconds of rain the other night!

  16. What a Fabulous card Ros, I love the colours and the dies are gorgeous, another amazing card from you xxx


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