Wednesday, July 18, 2018

New Home Card

Hello...I hope your week is going well... 

It's much cooler here and I could live with this weather all year long. I don't remember a summer like this since 1976... Yep, I'm that old and I can remember going to London to visit a friend (I did it regularly in those days) and the heat in the city was unbelievable but somehow it never bothered me that much when I was young. I was too interested in shopping in Oxford Street Lol!

I had to make a New Home card this week... My husband's middle son has just moved house and I don't have those type of cards on hand so I used an odd scrap of a painted BG and some die cuts to put this together

A little copic colouring on the house and a gold embossed heart

The sentiment is another one of those old rubons I found in my stash

I had an unexpected but delightful visit this week ... My brother came over and brought Ross my great nephew with him. My how he is grown, quite the young man now and doing so well.  He used to be in a special school as he has meobius syndrome but they couldn't cater for his intelligence... Now he's intergrated into a public school, doing great and hoping that he will be able to go to Uni after all. 

Well that's it for now 

Wishing you all a wonderful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Pretty card Ros and the perfect rub-on...don't you love it when you can use those..darling little house die too. Great news about your nephew! It has cooled down here today too for a few days at least and we need rain, and it looks like we might get some on Friday, but we are taking off again tomorrow until Monday, so I won't see it lol! I keep meaning to ask you too, what model is your CoolPix camera, I am looking to buy a camera at a reasonable price and I know you said you like that one.

  2. I've just started my little catch-up tour after the vacation and my, what a wonderful card!

  3. What wonderful news about Ross, your great nephew x. Love how you've put this card together, so unique and thoughtful x

  4. You made a pretty new home scene, Ros! The colors and texture of the sky (background) is so interesting! Love the sentiment too.
    Glad that you got to see your brother and your great nephew! It was a nice surprise, wasn't it? Hideko xx

  5. Great news about the weather, the new home, and the new school accompanied by a fabulous new home card! Thank you for sharing, Ros! Love that his name is Ross and I wish him all the best!! Hugs, Darnell

  6. Lovely composition . I like how you've done the sentiment over the cloud - I was wondering how you did it till I saw it's a rub-on. I never have much luck with rub-ons!

  7. What a lovely card Ros and I really like how you framed the image. I'm just about to embark on a craft room clear out, so no doubt I'll find my rub-ons hidden away somewhere! How nice to have the surprise visit with your great nephew. I'm glad you are enjoying the weather!
    Carol x

  8. Oh wow--you always come up with just the right idea when you need a card, Ros! Wonderful background & sweet scene to celebrate a new home! So happy you got to see your brother & great nephew & that he's doing so well! Thinking of you & sending hugs, Greta

  9. Your creativity made this card shine beautifully! I LOVE this!
    Glad to hear that you had fun with your brother and Ross, and I am happy for the progress he made in school, bravo!!!

  10. So cute! I love the whimsy of the rub on sentiment. Yay for Ross!

  11. That rub on over the clouds is just the perfect sentiment! LOVE this card!

  12. Perfect, and you just happened to have the ideal sentiment to go with it! Good news about your great nephew. I wish him all the best.


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