Saturday, July 07, 2018


Yoo Hoo!
How are you all?

It's been an interesting week here with two stabbings in the area and one young man died..One stabbing was in the afternoon at our local stores just as my son was arriving to get some groceries!
 Our neighbours have split up and he moved out leaving all kinds of rubbish on the driveway, but not before he collared my husband to give him all the details about the split -Poor hubby didn't know what to say...
Then there were hospital visits - Hubby for his eyes which are deteriorating and he may have to have more surgery. Me for my 6 month spine check - All is well as long as I don't sit for too long which is difficult when it's too hot to venture out... So yesterday hubby went to golf and I kept my head down and made a few cards. 

Today's card is for the July challenge at 

Another new technique for me and a fun card...

I used 2 distress inks mixed with water for the splash effect and that little octopus was in my 'bits box' just waiting for the right moment or should I say background

How I wish I were at the beach now splashing about... I tell you we are just not used to this weather.
The trees are all shedding their leaves because the ground is so dry, but Ginger cat is loving it and doesn't even want to come in at night.

I hope you have a beautiful weekend, Thanks so much for your visit

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Your fun and bright octopus is the perfect embellishment for your Splashed Watercolored Background, Ros. Love your Beach sign too. TFS and hope this week is less exciting and more relaxing. So pleased you joined us at CAS Watercolour. Hugs..

  2. Oh, my gosh, that octopus is a hoot! I laughed out loud at the beach sign. The two together are quite a giggle! Not only that, but your card is colorful and crisp and the pretty background is just right. Quite the happenings in your neighborhood lately. I hope your hubby will be okay with his eyes, and glad to hear you had a good check up. Sitting is hard on your back, I know. I don't do well in the hot weather, either.

  3. What a cute octopus and so perfect for that splash background. Isn't it fun learning new techniques? Such a creative and unique card and so very adorable. What a week you've had Ros...Sorry to hear about your DH and I cannot believe it's been 6 months since your operation... x

  4. Oh Ros, could your Octopus be any cuter?!! And your background is just PERFECT for him!! Love the little beach sign too! Sweet, sweet card my friend!! Sounds like there's never a dull moment where you live...stay safe and cool!! And thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!! :0)

  5. That octopus is AWESOME! You've created the perfect splashed background for him to play in. :) Adorable card, Ros. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour! xx

  6. Oh, my! A lot happening around your neighborhood, Ros! Sorry to hear about the young man. I hope all goes well with your husband’s eyes. And, glad to hear your back appointment went well! Your card with the octopus is so fun and cute! Beautiful background and the beach sign is perfect! The weather has cooled a bit here, but will warm up again soon. I guess it’s just going to be a hot summer. But, we are happy to get a few days with a break from the heat. Take good care and stay cool, hugs!

  7. Oh yes I love how the octopus is reaching out there!

  8. I never thought I'd say this about an octopus, but that guy is adorable, Ros! You have a winner here, if you ask me! The whole design is stunning! Sorry to hear about all the drama, especially about Ian's eyes. Give him a hug from me. So glad to hear that you, on the other hand, are sailing along in your craft room (in your imagination) to escape the unusual temps! Hugs, Darnell

  9. This delightful octopus is the perfect fit for your splashed background! Love how the bright green contrasts with the soft blue and green background! Love, love, love the beach sign! Glad you had a good checkup and thanks so much for sharing this with us at CAS Watercolour!

  10. The more I look at this cute octopus image the more I fall in love with it, so cute!

  11. The octopus is perfect for your beautiful splash background, Ros! The bright green and the googly eyes make him look so adorable. The beach sign is a nice addition too.
    Hoping that your DH's eyes get treated all right and your spine/back continues to heal well. Hideko xx

  12. Oh my goodness--absolutely too cute, Ros! Fritz & I are spending a lot of indoor time, too. It's really not that hot here, but we like it cool! How scary to have violence so close. So wonderful you got a good report--can't believe it's 6 months! Sending love & hugs, Greta

  13. OMGoodness what a fun fun Octopus!! Just his color alone let alone his google eyes got my attention! Another amazing background too!! I sure do miss being at the lake house, it was so hard to come home, we kayaked every day, sometimes twice, and I miss that terribly, a little scary to kayak a Great Lake but we stick as close to shore as we can. Now back to the grind and while gone a ton of spiders moved in...UGH!!

  14. Ros, LOVE your card!! What an adorable octopus and beach sign. Can you please share who makes these??

  15. He's so cute with his big googlie eyes. Perfect background with the inks too Ros.

  16. What a cute little guy! And good to know that all well with your back - keeping my fingers crossed for your DH!

  17. such a super cute card....
    Thanks so much for joining us at the CAS Watercolour Challenge.
    :) Karen

  18. Congrats Ros, fabulous card, he's the cutest octopus, great design


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