Monday, August 20, 2018

Home at last

Hello there...

Thank you so much for your comments and kind wishes for me and my Ginger boy - He's back home at last.
He was in a very sorry state and it broke my heart to see but with the love and care we are giving him, hopefully he will settle down and be well.
Knowing there were people out there who care means so much...

What I didn't mention was that late in the evening before Ginger took ill we also had a flood in the kitchen and somehow all the lights went out... There I was in my PJ's wading through water whilst Ian looked for a torch. We were up to our eyes in it when Ginger started to howl in pain... It was completely manic!
Hopefully today a plumber will be here to fix the cause of the flood, a blockage in the waste disposal and sink. It's weird how things happen all at once.

So...I posted a card on Saturday for my GD spot at Just us Girls and as I mentioned in the post I did 2 cards using the colours here

This is the other card

... done with stencils and distress inks

With a little stamping and embossing. 

I've some catching up to do so I'll get on.....

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~



  1. Well I have certainly been out of the loop and have just got here to visit! My goodness I just read below about Ginger and I am so HAPPY he is home and recovering! I know sometimes kitty males can have issues with certain things....praying for a fast recovery for him, I know how we all love our fur babies! As for the flood...YIKES, as they say 'when it rains it pours' it seems and I think the saying is very fitting for you...what a time you have had my friend!! The card is gorgeous, those colors are so pretty together...and congrats on your GD spot, that is always such an honor!! I hope your day goes well!!

  2. So happy to hear that Ginger is back home! I hope he is feeling much better. It’s more difficult when there are several problems that come all at once. I do hope the plumbing problem in your kitchen gets resolved very soon! And, your card is very lovely with the stamping and embossing. Awesome happy birthday sentiment, too! Take care, hugs!

  3. An absolutely BEAUTIFUL 2nd card Ros...just lovely with those colors and the gold too! And so happy to hear Ginger is home and healing!! Our furry friends are SO important to us, aren't they?! And oh my, a flood too?? It really was a manic time for you wasn't it?! Hope everything gets fixed soon and life settles down for you and your family!!

  4. I am so glad that sweet Ginger is already at home. It's safe now. Thank you for the good news.
    The card is beautiful, I love the beautiful combination of colors. They remind me of hot summer in Croatia :-)

  5. Very pretty Ros and love the colour combination and with that lovely large sentiment, and the stamped hearts and the finishing touch for the sentiment, this is a beautiful design. So pleased your cat is back home and hopefully your love and care will put him right. How awful to have that problem with flooding in the kitchen at the same time as your poor pussy was feeling ill, you must have been really stressed. I hope you get that fixed quickly too. x

  6. Oh, Ros, when it rains it pours... or floods in your case. I know that Ginger's howling in pain trumped all other catastrophes, though. I'm glad he's home. Your tender loving care is just what he needs now. A beautiful card! Those colors and the floral pattern as a background for the chunky happy birthday are divine. Cute with the heart border across the top. Beautifully inspiring!

  7. Oh my goodness--you did have a challenging time! I bet you just wanted to cry! Hope the problems have been taken care of & that Ginger cat is better & better. You're in my heart, dear friend. I have never had stenciling look like this--gorgeous!

  8. Oh my, but your gorgeous card brightened my day and hopefully brightened yours too, especially now that Ginger Boy is back home. A flood in the kitchen too along with a poor howling cat...oh dear. Take care my friend. Hugs..

  9. Ros, I'm so sorry to hear about Ginger, but glad he is back home. With your love and nurturing, I'm sure he will bounce back quickly! Sorry to hear about your flood as well, your right things always see to happen at once. Your card is lovely, love the stenciled background and the colours. I like the way you did the heart banner on top and the 'to you' at the bottom! Fabulous card. Hugs,

  10. I didn't see your Sunday post about Ginger, Ros. I'm so sorry he has been so ill, but pleased to know they were able to help him. Prayers that he will continue to rally at home. I can't believe the cluster that happened all at the same time! Well, actually, I can, because life does tend to throw up on us all at once now and then just to see if we are made of sturdy stuff. Which is quite mean! But you are made of sturdy stuff so hopefully you will move on to calmer seas for a long time!

    You have made another beautiful card for JUGS to showcase those delightful colors! Thank you for the inspiration!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. I'm so glad to hear that Ginger is back home, Ros! I'm sure that your love and care will help him recover faster.
    Sorry about the food in the kitchen. Somehow when it rains it pours, doesn't it?
    Your layered stenciling is gorgeous! It's such a beautiful and happy card - perfect for the occasion. Hideko xx

  12. Oh boy, so sorry to hear about the flood! What trouble you have to go through all at once at home! : (

    I LOVE THE BRIGHT COLORS! Great job!!!!!

  13. Oh wow! Color blast of happy hues. Love it!

  14. A truly happy card - and so unhappy circumstances. As so often, I'm playing catch up and know already that things are on the upswing. Keeping my fingers crossed that good luck is with you for good!


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