Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oh Deer

Hello and good morning

Autumn has finally arrived with frosty mornings and  leaves strewn everywhere... My Ginger boy was taken ill again with those darn struvite crystals. This time I took him to a different vet... No way I was going to go back to the last place after the way he was treated. He was so scared going to the vet that they rushed him through when they saw he could hardly breathe...
Thankfully he's doing okay... Had a few injections and came home with me. You all know that my cat is a sun - worshipper and the vet said that the change in weather will have stressed him and caused him the discomfort. Who knew? 

Anyway, I have 3 more Christmas deer cards to share with you today...

I've had the pine cone and fir stamps forever and I don't think I used them before so I did 2 cards using those stamps, overlapping the firs a few times

And the 3rd card has a holly branch stamp that I coloured and fussy cut....

...Added some very old DP and some leftover die cut sprigs

All being well I hope to share some more Christmas cards in the coming week
Thanks ever so much for your lovely comments

Have a great weekend

~ Ros ~



  1. Sorry to hear about Ginger boy, but glad he is doing okay! As for your cards, wonderful Ros - love all 3 versions. Simple yet elegant cards. Love.

  2. All three are absolutely lovely Ros! So glad your fir and pinecone stamps finally saw some ink...too pretty not to be ever used!! LOVE how all 3 are CAS cards too...BEAUTIFUL!! :0)

  3. Three gorgeous cards Ros and love your inventive designs with the pinecone branches and the sweet deer die, and then the beautiful tag design with a wonderful mix of foliage and another lovely deer, and looks great with the really shiny dp to make a double tag. Sorry to hear your ginger boy has been unwell again, but hope he picks up again now. I think the change in the weather affects us all in one way or another, and so why not your sweet puss too. x

  4. Oh, deer, indeed! Three beautiful cards and you made good use of your not yet used fir and cone stamps. Such lovely CAS designs. Poor Ginger boy. I'm glad he's okay, but it's distressing for you as much as for him.

  5. Three times a big wow Ros. Beautiful and elegant cards. I love the way you've stamped the pine-cone and branches. Gorgeous warm colours and I love the deer.
    Just stunning...I hope your cat stays oké.
    Greetings Miranda

  6. Gorgeous Ros, I just love the beautiful deer image with the pine cones :)

  7. Oh no--poor Ginger cat. Sounds like the new vet was a great choice--so glad he's doing better. Beautiful cards, Ros! I really like how you stamped a tag for the background--never thought of that!

  8. All three cards are fabulous. You have such an amazing way with CAS.

  9. Hope Ginger boy gets well soon x.
    What fabulous cards, all three of them, absolutely beautiful. Loving the stamping of the cones and fir and what an adorable deer in the first two cards and the third one too x. The layouts are fabulous x. Special cards, all three of them Ros x

  10. Three fabulous cards! Love the foliage and the stich effect.

  11. I'm sorry to hear you went through another scary time with poor Ginger, Ros, and so happy to hear that he has rallied! Your three cards are each one so exquisite and lovely! They are artistic Christmas masterpieces that will be treasured! Hugs, Darnell

  12. So sorry to here about your ginger cat, Ros, they are so sensitive. My black and white cat started loosing hair, the vet said stress...yes who would imagine that. I got your correct address now, my old links were bad, but corrected, so now I can visit. We are cool here as well, it is so nice. Love all your winter cards here. Have a beautiful day.

  13. So glad you could go to another vet with your sweet Ginger boy, and glad they could help too! Ros, your Christmas cards are all so gorgeous! Your overlapping fir branches and those pine cones are perfectly placed, and what amazing designs on all three cards! Spectacular contrast between the frosty white and the both the dark branches and metallics!

  14. Oh, my! Happy to hear that Ginger is doing better! Good service from a vet is very important! Your Christmas cards with the deers are so lovely!! Each one unique and very elegant! Looks like you have a good start on your cards for the season!

  15. So pleased to hear that Ginger boy is doing much better and...had a much better experience with his new vet!

    TFS all 3 of your gorgeous deer Christmas cards. I loved the real looking pine cones and branches images and your 3rd card with the holly too. Your deer was so elegant and beautiful on all 3 of your cards too. TFS my friend. Hugs..Nancy

  16. Sorry to hear that Ginger cat is ill, glad you found a better vet!
    Sweet ideas for the holiday cards!

  17. Poor old Ginger. He's sure having a rough time of it this year. I think we really underestimate what animals do and don't feel. The cards are wonderful. Deer are such beautiful animals and they work so beautifully on Christmas creations.

  18. Oh, I hope Ginger is fully recovered by now? He must have appreciated, in the end, having been taken to another vet! Your cards are absolutely stunning! I love how you positioned the deer on the first one.


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