Friday, January 11, 2019

Project 2

Hello there...

I have another miniature to share with you today...  I seem to have accumulated lots of photos frames over the years... If I see them in a sale and I think I 'may' use them I buy them. Goodness knows how many there are hidden in cupboards... Anyway this one was put to use. I call it the sewing nook

I made a sort of half room with cardboard from cat food boxes (of which there are plenty) and spent hours making bits of furniture... I had the little sewing machine and scissor... that was the starting point. I cut out windows, shutters and a door and even made a lamp from a TH memo pin and a little vellum. It's amazing what you can find lying around and transform

Making the tiny tassel for my blind was so fiddly, I don't have delicate fingers at all!  But it all worked in the end

I fitted the half room into the frame and cut cardboard to slot into the back of the frame and the top and bottom so it is all neat and secure - I haven't decided whether to light this up yet... I'm still thinking on that one. I've had a few birthday cards to make so I'm chopping and changing from one thing to another and I seem to have had a stream of visitors lately and requests to meet up... My boss from 17 years ago even rang and asked if we could meet up... It's turning into a busy start to the year.

Have a lovely day and thanks so much for your visit

~ Ros ~



  1. This is amazing, Ros! I love every little detail from the little tassel on the shade to the electrical outlet on the wall! The wall paper is the perfect scale for the room and I love the tile floor. It's such a cheerful sewing room!

  2. Oh my word Ros!!!!!! This is AMAZING!!!!! STUNNING!!!!!...there are not enough expletives to describe this wonderful little scene. How you find the time in between all your other fantastic makes I do not know. I am struggling to make just one card this year so far!..... you should build a dolls house! Have a good weekend xx

  3. the perfect dolls house miniature, incredible :)

  4. So cute, Ros...but where is the post on your birthday! Celebrate your day in style with a card. Happy birthday...Happy Saturday!

  5. OH WOW! You are just amazing my friend! How creative and just lovely! GREAT JOB ... I'm in awe of your talents! Happy Day!

  6. Oh my gosh, I can't believe all the details is this project. How much fun.

  7. You are amazingly talented and patient, my crafty friend! A tiny sewing corner so amazingly detailed. TFS Ros. Hugs..Nancy

  8. Look at the floor! The chair cushions! The view through the windows! Oh, gosh, it goes on and on... shutters, outlet cover, shopping bag, the pretty wallpaper and, ohhhh, just every little detail! You're blowing me away with these miniatures. It's wonderful that you've spent time doing something which must give you such great pleasure. I sure know what you mean about all the other little things that come up. Sounds like it's mostly all good, though. Enjoy!

  9. What an amazing miniature sewing room !almost real.

  10. Ros, this is STUNNING! Wow, your creativity never ends! Love it all. TFS!

  11. The detail is incredible Ros. My eyes are so bad for seeing up close there's no way I could do this. Love the leopard print bag. LOL

  12. Another fabulous creation! Love the little sewing machine, window, door, and tiny it all! So many sweet details! A labor of love with lots of patience! Well done, Ros, so creative!!

  13. OMG! I'm still looking for my jaw I dropped...
    This is an amazing miniature sewing nook! Just thinking about the time and energy you spent making each item is mind-blowing. And you're so creative and resourceful in choosing the materials you used. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful project!
    Hideko xx

  14. Totally out my league, but I can certainly enjoy seeing your masterpieces, my friend! This really boggles my mind--so completely realistic! How neat to be busy with fun stuff to start the year!

  15. Wowzer Ros you outdid yourself on the awesome creation!! All the tiny things you did to create this room are wonderful right down to that tiny tassel!!

  16. You must have nerves of steel and the patience of Job, Ros! This little room is exquisite and the details are mind-blowing. That rack of towels is everything!! I think you could sell doll houses or at least hire out to play with little girls and their doll houses. I'm in awe!! Hugs, Darnell

  17. So so clever Ros and so delicate and unique. You can clearly see you love doing this type of crafting and it must be so good to have some extra time now? Enjoy meeting up with your previous boss and hope you had a lovely birthday on the 12th?

  18. Beautiful project, I can see you had fun doing that!

  19. Oh, this is too cute for words - you did an amazing job at this one! I had to smile, though, when you talked about the things you have "lying around"... a beautiful miniature sewing machine? And the scissors? Something must be wrong with my household, then, as I don't have anything only remotely as adorable lying around...


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