Monday, March 11, 2019


Hello and welcome...

I am overwhelmed by how many of you left me messages, comments and advice about RLS... Thank You! Some I have already tried I will definitely give the others a go.

It's been very cold and wet, hailstones and high winds but though it's still cold, the sun is shining today... Such crazy weather!

Today I have a card to share using another (new to me) technique, ghosting, which is the requirement over at

I tried this various ways but decided that I preferred the baby wipe method used on ink blending

I used 2 blue Distress Inks for the background, faded jeans and blue print plus a stencil that was gifted to me years ago

I was just going to add the grass die cut at the bottom but I decided that it needed something more so added the flower stem which was also ink blended.

It's a cool technique, easy to do and gives a little something extra to a blended background so I'll definitely try it again.

Have yourselves a lovely day and thanks for stoppping by

~ Ros ~



  1. This is beautiful Ros, you did a fabulous job with the technique!! It's on my list of challenges to do, so hopefully can get to it. Crazy weather here too, but mid week looks to be warmer, I sure hope so as my gardens are a winter mess. Have a great week!!

  2. Lovely, lovely card Ros!! Your blue stenciled background is so pretty and I love the tiny pop of color from the flowers you added...beautiful card my friend!! :0)

  3. What a great technique for the background, I'll have to give it a try! I love that you added the flowers as they're just the right touch to this card! I missed the last post, so had to scroll down to see your gorgeous balloons and cityscape! Sorry to hear about the RLS, wish I had the answer.

  4. Brilliant card, Ros. I do not know anything about this technique but I will try to find out. Kisses, my friend.

  5. Oh ya, I received your beautiful card in the mail today, thank you so much! : )

  6. Your designs are always so unique and beautiful Ros and today's is just that....The technique looks fabulous and the design of your card is so it x.

  7. What a Beautiful BG AND FAB technique! You white die cuts look so wonderful on top of it!

  8. The two tones of blue make a really strong background to the pretty white flower/foliage die cut, and the added ink blended flower stem goes beautifully, and the baby wipe used to bleach out the stencil design has worked so well and looks great Ros. The black stamped sentiment finishes it perfectly too. x

  9. love the effect of the ghosting, it looks wonderful as the background to your white die cuts. I also love that tiny touch of bling :)

  10. I'll have to look up this technique because it sure is pretty on your card. Probably need a stencil, though, and I don't have even one. Yes, I do plan to do something about that someday. I love the one flower stem growing up out of the grass, which is very pretty in white against the blue. Now I'm going to go read the comments about RLS. I need all the help I can get!

  11. Your blue ghosted background adds so much depth to your CAS card design, Ros. I love your white die cut grasses with a few pretty meadow flowers. TFS my friend. Hugs..Nancy

  12. Lovely card Ros. Love your beautiful ghosted background that looks like more flowers in the background. Such beautiful shades of blue! Love it with the white grasses and lovely flower die-cuts. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Stencil! xx

  13. You achieved a lovely background using the ghosting technique, Ros! Such a pretty blue color for the sky! Wonderful die cuts, too!

  14. A technique I've never tried, but you've made me want to! Wonderful card, Ros--great idea to add the stem with flowers behind the grass!

  15. Your ghosted background is so pretty, Ros! I love how you layered the grass and stem to your design, too! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the CAS Stencil Challenge!

  16. Gorgeous card Ros, such a pretty stencilled background, the white diecuts really pop against it. Thankyou for playing along at CAS Stencil, Cathy x

  17. What a pretty background Ros and it is a perfect backdrop for the lovely grasses and flower. Hope some of the tips you got will help with the RLS.
    Carol x

  18. It's a lovely soft background and goes great with the die-cuts.

  19. Wow, another stunning card!! You always have the most gorgeous cards with the most amazing this!!

  20. What a lovely ghosted background you created Ros - so pretty with the white die cut grasses and pretty stem/flower layered on top! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Stencil! xx

  21. Your ghosting technique looks awesome! I have heard of it but never tried. Sounds easy enough and the results are stunning. Love the dark blue background, and with your ghosting it really makes the blue pop! Love the added grass and flower. So pretty Ros! Your weather is just about as crazy as it is over here. Suppose to warm up by mid week - I sure hope so, getting tired of the high winds, snow and rain. Need the sun!

  22. Beautiful card Ros, your lovely blue ghosting is perfect background for your double layer of die cut - adding the splash of green adds magic. Thanks so much for sharing with CAS Stencil

  23. Beautiful! The background is wonderfully different. Hope your garden of friends is in full bloom!


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