Friday, May 03, 2019

More Scraps

Good morning...

How's your week been?
I've spent a little time in the garden, doing repairs and weeding... The borders are filling out and the trees are a zillion shades of green...
I got some sad news this week ... A friend's husband passed away... Well, he was 96, but honestly never looked or seemed his age. My friend got Alzheimer's a few years back and boy did he take care of her... His passing was very sudden and in a way it's a blessing my friend really doesn't comprehend much at all and she is now seemingly happy in a nursing home. 

So anyways... I have another card to share using even more bits... 

The flower is from the set I mention in my previous post and it's stamped and embossed with clear E/P on a scrap of a leftover alcohol ink BG then fussy cut

Not like me to use DP but that checkered scrap was in with the bits and pieces... I have tons of unused DP and mostly bought it for doing the club classes ... You may also recognize the loom circle piece... It's half of the one I cut out for previous card

 I hope you enjoy your day... The weekend is almost here....


~ Ros ~


  1. Gorgeous card with the beautiful flower, Ros! Beautiful DP, too! It all looks wonderful against the white! Great way to use up your bits and pieces!

  2. Another beautiful bits box card Ros, and that checked background goes perfectly with the AI flower, and the partial loom die cut looks great behind the stitched circle, and also finished with that lovely sentiment. x

  3. Great design, Ros. Your card is beautiful. I love the popping flower on the pretty die. I am sorry for the loss of your friend's husband. Kisses.

  4. Yes she is better off not realizing he is gone and it sounds like she is happy in the nursing home. LOVE how you turn your bits and pieces in beautifulness! That plaid IS different for you but is works with that GORGEOUS bloom!

  5. So sad to loose a friend no matter what the age. Thankfully your friend can be content in the nursing home. Must say--this is an unexpected card to see on your blog, but I absolutely love it! Gorgeous flower that is a match for the beautiful plaid background!

  6. Ros, this is gorgeous! Love the checkered background paper and the loom circle piece, and like that you just used half of it. Your center flower is stunning, so rich in reds! Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend's husband!

  7. Sorry about the sad news - but 96 really is a biblical age. I can't believe he was still taking care of his wife. Love your card and yes, now that you mention it: hardly ever do I see DP in your creations...

  8. This one catches the eye in so many ways Ros. Lovely.


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