Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Not So Perfect Pearls

Well hello... Bet you thought I'd left blogland

I have no idea where the time has gone, but trust me this week has just been filled with appointments of one sort or another including a visit to a rescue centre to get another kitty for my friend.
June has been a whirlwind with today being the only sunny day we've had and instead of taking full advantage I had a lunch meeting with my friends and then decided to try and make a card for the 

Perfect Pearls... Or in my case, not so perfect...  
I knew that somewhere in this craft room of mine that also includes all my sewing stuff and just about anything and everything, I did have a pot of Perfect Pearls. Lord knows how long ago I got them or indeed when I ever used them, but eventually I found a small pot of silvery pearls. 

Well this is going to be my first and last card using the stuff I can promise you that...We just don't get on together and the cat jumping on the desk did not help. After several attempts on various backgrounds I went with black cardstock

Hardly visible huh? It is there and it took  forever to get a decent photo ... This one is probably better

I tried at least, but I did struggle to clean off the excess without rubbing out the stenciling. My cat has a lovely sheen though as does everything else in here

I'm now going to cook dinner and have a very large G&T....

Till next time ... 

~ Ros ~



  1. I must admit I don't think they are that easy a medium to use Ros but actually it does look very pretty and the added white trailing foliage and geometric die cut tucked behind really draws it all together, and a perfect sentiment too. I hope you are enjoying your G&T. x

  2. Well at least you tried Ros, so you're a lot braver than I am! I have a couple jars of the Perfect Pearls somewhere too, but just can't seem to make myself even go look for lame am I?!! But anyway, I think your card turned out quite lovely and I can definitely see the silvery pearlized shine on your card. Hugs. :0)

  3. Your card is perfect, Ros. I love the sparking, the design and the beautiful die cuts you used. Glad to see you back in blogland. Hugs, my friend.

  4. Ros this is a beauty, the sparkle on the black is amazing. I'd love to see the glisten on the cats coat :)

  5. You made me laugh--can just see the pretty kitty with that lovely sheen--haha! I actually love my Pearl Ex & need to try it with Versamark & a stencil. The black cardstock was a good choice--beautiful card, Ros!

  6. Yep, I have it and have yet to use it either! Now I'm really not persuaded! However, the card is gorgeous, and the silver really shines on that black cardstock! A lovely design overall as well!

  7. Hope you enjoyed the G&T...As crafters we are our own worst critics. Your card is striking and I love the effect of the pretty powders. Such a classy and elegant card Ros x

  8. After all that you have a very pretty, shimmery card... and cat... and stamp room. I had Pearl Ex, but gave it away long ago. Don't know if it's exactly the same as Perfect Pearls, but at any rate, it wasn't the medium for me. It's been crazy busy here, too. We should be off in our motorhome, but things came up... not fun. Hope to be off soon. Enjoy what you can!

  9. So glad you stuck with it, your card is so pretty. I love the delicate stenciled design.
    I think most crafters have a pot of Perfect Pearls or two, hidden somewhere in their stash, so glad you gave yours another try. Thank you for playing along with the CAS Stencil challenge xx

  10. Looks like a great technique, Ros! Love the shimmer and shine on the black, so pretty!! And, beautiful die cuts, too!!

  11. For having so much trouble, Ros...your card turned out beautifully. No one, but you and all of us will ever know the headache this beauty causes. So pleased you did not give up. TFS and joining us at CAS Stencil Card Challenge. Hugs...Nancy

  12. AMAZING card Ros! Even though it made you crazy, you persevered and the card is STUNNING! Love the sparkle of the silver perfect pearls through the stencil onto black card stock. The collage of die-cuts is so very creative, artistic and fun! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Stencil! Hope you enjoyed the large G&T! xx

  13. I'm glad you kept going and got this card done Ros! the silver looks wonderful on the black - and I love that white die cut behind the panel - a beautiful creative design! thanks for playing along at the CAS Stencil! xx

  14. I think your card is fabulous Ros, I wouldn't be giving up on PPs just yet - lots of my try outs become backgrounds. Your designs are so interesting because you combination of different elements always really work... the cross hatch die cut in the background, with roses stencil and trailing fronds really capture your eye with the black and white theme. Thanks so much for sharing with CAS Stencil.. do try again. hugs Robyn

  15. Well it looks lovely to me.

  16. Love this! The shimmer, the cross hatch die cut and your leafy stems, a wonderful card Ros! I haven't used my perfect pearls in ages.

  17. Perfect Pearls or no, I like that card! And I feel with you for the cat that keeps intervening. I still haven't been able to teach my new housemate that the craft desk is off limits. Can you give me hope?!

  18. OH that was so FUNNY about your cat! You are lucky there were no cat hairs stuck in your perfect pearls! You made a great card but I agree about working with those!


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