Thursday, August 15, 2019

CAS Mix Up Challenge

Good morning... I hope you are having a good week

We've had a fair amount of rain this week, not that I'm complaining as it's still warm during the day and it didn't stop my GF's and I from meeting up yesterday for a lovely lunch and chat.

Today I have a card that I made for the CAS Mix Up Challenge

Another very clever technique from the talented Loll and a new one for me. That's what I love about these challenges...
So after the spray disaster I took advantage of all that paint and mopped it up with kitchen towel, let it dry, placed it over my piece of card and spritzed away. 
I also used a small acrylic block to press it down in places and got a few usable pieces, one of which is here on my card... 

I kept it pretty simple and added a strip of lilac vellum (not that it look lilac here) together with some die cut (left over) leaves. The leaves were cut from silver holographic card so they are really sparkly but of course hard to photograph

It's a great technique and I do love the effect plus I needed a quick birthday card... It's not that I don't remember birthdays, it's just that when you are retired, the days just come and go so fast and things creep up on you before you know it.

Have a lovely day my friends and thanks so much for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. A beautiful card, so peaceful looking and I can see the lilac vellum, a very creative use of it too, I will have to remember to use it this way as it adds such a pretty softness! We have been having beautiful weather here too, so NOT looking forward to summers end!!

  2. What a clever idea Ros to use ikly paper the effect you have created...and of course the colours. It's once again a lovely card..and yes the days come and go quickly..too quickly..!! I certainly identify with that ! xx

  3. I'm loving the pretty colours and the textured pattern from the kitchen towel Ros and the vellum and fabulous holographic leaves are great too. A wonderful result. x

  4. Ros you achieved a good Transfer of colour and texture from your Paper Towel, so pretty and the leaves finish off your card perfectly. Thanks for sharing at CAS Mix Up!

  5. I do see the sparkle on the second picture, Ros! Fantastic texture to add to the pattern of the paper towel transfer! The lilac vellum makes a lovely layer! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at CAS Mix Up!

  6. Lovely, lovely card Ros and so glad to hear it went smoother than the last challenge! Your background turned out so pretty and love that you can see the texture so clearly! And your holographic leaves are just lovely!! Beautiful card my friend!! :0)

  7. Sounds like a fun technique, Ros! You achieved very pretty results! Love the colors and the shiny die cut leaves! It makes for a stunning birthday card! Take care and have a great weekend!

  8. Your paper towel transfer background is so pretty, Ros. LOVE the colours and it looks amazing with those sparkly leaves. Love the design with the soft and delicate strip of vellum. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up! xx

  9. Yes time sure does zip by....What a beautiful card Ros with such pretty colours. The technique looks fabulous and the lilac vellum is a unique and a wonderful addition to your beautiful card. Thank you for joining in The CAS Mix Up Challenge x.

  10. The colors of your paper towel transfer background are so pretty, Ros! Love the contrast of the gorgeous holographic leaves die-cut and the soft paper towel background. The card design is simple and so cool! Thanks so much for sharing this beauty at CAS Mix Up!
    Hideko xx

  11. You're so right about retirement, my friend! I'm glad to have that problem rather than dealing with work--haha! The spray clean up towel transferred beautifully!

  12. Pretty effects for a lovely card.

  13. I'm amazed at how different the card looks from different angles, though all of them are beautiful!


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