Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Painted Butterflies

Hello there...

It's been a beautiful bank holiday weekend here which is a bonus as there is always so much going on... The Beatles festival, Cream Fields music festival, lots of summer fetes and more. Everywhere is busy so yesterday we worked in the garden, well, hubby did mostly... I managed to slice my hand on a knife a few days ago so it's been a little difficult to do the normal things... 
Anyway whilst he was working away, there were 2 beautiful butterflies following him around and the card that I am sharing today also has 2 butterflies, left over from the ones I did when making my card for the CAS watercolour challenge... In fact this is made up from all left over pieces

I love putting bits together and seeing how they turn out 

These butterflies are not quite as colourful as the garden ones but it would have been a shame to waste them...

Next week Stella will be here and I've a few things to sort out yet so it may be awhile before I post again... I hope to visit you all today and see what you've been up to.

Have a beautiful week and take care

~ Ros ~



  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Ros!! I love LOVE the gold thread you have wound around the butterfly bodies and for their antennae...so delicate and pretty! Fabulous background too!! :0)

  2. A very innovative and clever design as usual Ros, and I love the piece of vellum behind the multi circle panel, and the butterflies work beautifully over the top, also what a great idea to use the silver thread for the antennae and wound round the butterflies so interestingly. Hope you enjoy your week with Stella. x

  3. You make the most beautiful things with leftovers. This is gorgeous, Ros! Busy summer days. I'm sorry about your hand. We've just returned from a lengthy trip and I'm beginning to make the rounds, visiting. My stamping friends have been very busy!

  4. Oh so pretty Ros..I like the bubbles/circles die..very different. Sorry to hear about your hand...hubby tried to slice the end off his finger yesterday too so a trip to the minor injuries unit was in order. Seems you are in good company :) xx

  5. Oh my!!! Your 'leftover' pieces have come together in a beautiful card Ros, that soft pink vellum ties all the other elements - so creative...love it, hugs Robyn

  6. your butterflies are gorgeous Ros, such soft colours. I love your little collage of items to create the card :)

  7. I love how the pink vellum looks over the script, Ros. It's so dreamy. The circle die cut makes a perfect place for these pretty butterflies to perch!

  8. Oh, so lovely, Ros! Such pretty butterflies! Wonderful die and beautiful pink panel! Have lots of fun visiting with Stella!!

  9. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL use of left overs! Sorry about your hand injury ... hope it's healing properly! Sounds like a busy time for you ... has been for me too! Thanks for always sharing such beautiful inspiration! Happy Day to you!!

  10. Wonderful use of your left over pieces Ros and the most prettiest of card. Sorry to hear about you slicing your hand x

  11. What a pretty card, Ros and such a bonus that all the elements were already available. Love the colours and gorgeous CAS design. Hope your hand is better soon.
    Carol x

  12. Love LOVE LOVE your design elements!...the pink vellum is delicate and a perfect background for those WONDERFUL BUTTERFLIES! :D ♥♥♥

  13. Congrats on another win & I love this one, too! I have a similar circle die that's actually on my sale page as I never figure out what to do with it. Unique & lovely design, my friend!

  14. I love those beautiful butterflies on the pink and white! Your card just looks so soft and feminine. Have a wonderful time with Stella!

  15. Oh so beautiful Ros! Love your butterflies and you complete design. The pink vellum adds a very nice soft background to display your circle die cut. You always make such interesting cards. Love this. Have a good weekend my friend!

  16. A beautiful card, I love the background, too. Sorry to hear about your cut, I hope it's much better already. I've done that two myself twice this summer - always with the bread knife. You would think I learn but...

  17. Love yourcard. Have fun with tour guests. X

  18. Love yourcard. Have fun with tour guests. X

  19. Great way to leave your leftovers! Beautiful design! I hope your hand is better soon:)

  20. No one puts together bits as well as you do, Ros! This all looks intentional, not like serendipity, and that's the magic of your talented fingers! Sorry to hear you cut your hand! Hugs, Darnell

  21. Gorgeous card once again with your leftovers....those butterflies are stunning!! Hope your hand is doing better now. Sorry to be so late getting here, but we have been gone and no internet, so am trying to catch up!!


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