Saturday, September 14, 2019

Been Awhile

Hello there... 
It's been awhile since I posted and got to visit you all, I know.
Stella, her husband and youngest son came for a visit from The Netherlands and it was just so hectic but really lovely to catch up.
They visited lots of places in Liverpool and we took them to North Wales where they just loved the countryside with it's amazing views, tall mountains with  houses dotted here and there and sheep roaming free - Quite a contrast the their country.

We even paid a visit to Conwy Castle, one of the many castles in Wales

The days went by and all too quickly it was time for them to return to the Netherlands.

I'm now getting back to normal and today I have a quick card for the
Here's what I came up with

Bright and happy colours - I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer yet. Though the nights are cool, the days have still been warm and flowers are still blooming.

The baby wipe 'lift' is a little fuzzy, probably because I did this in a hurry and didn't allow time for the distress inks to dry before I grabbed my stencil

Have a wonderful weekend

~ Ros ~


  1. I love those colours Ros - right up my street, and the stencil lift technique has worked beautifully. Love the overall clean and crisp look.
    Hope you are enjoying the sunshine.
    Carol x

  2. Looks lovely Ros!..really zingy and clean. We were at Conway castle at the end of July! Glad you have enjoyed time with back to earth..! Have a good weekend. xx

  3. Your card is bright AND beautiful Ros!! Mine came out fuzzy looking too and I made sure my ink was dry before I used the baby wipe, so I think that's just the way this technique works. Regardless, your came out so it!! Glad you had FUN with your visitors...sounds like a wonderful time!! :0)

  4. Beautiful bright colours and love the white die cut foliage and maple type leaf which go beautifully and I love the baby wipe lift with that pretty stencil in the background too Ros. I'm glad your visitors enjoyed their stay and what a beautiful photo of Conwy with that glorious castle. We have visited Conwy but a long time ago. I always remember it because we were on holiday near there and whilst we were out I managed to spill something all down my top and not wanting to walk round looking a mess all day we went into the shops there so I could find a top to buy to put on for the rest of the day. Believe it or not I still have it upstairs in a x

  5. Welcome back, Ros. I am glad you had such a great time.
    Your card is simply stunning. Lovely background (I do not see anything fuzzy) and great dies. Kisses, my friend.

  6. Your beautiful card has reminded me that I seem to have misplaced my large container of baby wipes. Now I want to try again to find them. Sheesh. Love the colors and just a little hint of fall. I'm glad to hear you had such a fun time when Stella was visiting. It's nice to see your area through someone else's eyes. I know it's beautiful there. The castle is fantastic! There's sure nothing like it on the Oregon coast!

  7. I love the wispy look of your baby wipe lift, Rox! The colors are so pretty with the white die cuts! Another awesome card!

  8. So happy you had such a wonderful visit and time for seeing beautiful Wales with your dear friends. TFS the photos. Love your colorful background and baby wipe stenciling on your beautiful CAS card, Ros. Your added die cut images were the perfect embellishments. So pleased you joined us at CAS Stencil. Hugs..Nancy

  9. Welcome back to blogland, Ros...I'm glad you had such a lovely time! Thanks for the photo of the castle :)

    This is such a beautiful take on the baby wipe technique! Your color palette is so pretty and I love how you added the white die cuts to your design! Thank you so much for playing along with us at CAS Stencil!

  10. So glad the visit from Stella went so well x Wonderful card, which looks so crisp and pretty. Great technique too x. Love your new Blog photo too x.

  11. Lovely as can be with beautiful color!! And, happy to hear you had a wonderful visit with Stella and family!!

  12. Once again a gorgeous creation, I was going to try and join this challenge but it seems I never have time. So happy you had such a nice time with Stella. Very nice weather here too, but next week cooler and rain, but way better then snow!!

  13. Oh Ros, this is so lovely! I love the colours of the background and the way you displayed the vine and leaf. A very CAS card - I love it! The castle you visited looks amazing. I'm so glad you had a wonderful visit with Stella and her family. Sorry for the late post on this, just getting caught up.

  14. Fuzzy looks good! And that castle is just AMAZING! I'm jealous that you and Stella's family got to visit! Wished I was there! I KNOW you both really enjoyed the visit!

  15. Wish I could agree with you but I am MORE than ready for summer to be gone. The temperatures have just been scorching and make it hard to enjoy anything outside. I like the fuzziness of the lifted images. It's a lovely softening effect.
    P.S. Do you hire out as a tour guide? lol

  16. LOVE these bright summery colours Ros. The soft stenciling in the background is perfect. Very ethereal! Love the contrast with the bright white die-cuts. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Stencil! xx

  17. What lovely colors for your stenciled background Ros - love the delicate white stems you layered over it! thanks for sharing with us at CAS Stencil! when my son and I toured Great Britain many years ago - we visited a castle in Wales where we went for a meal and choral entertainment, looking very similar to this one! How lovely to have your daughter and family visit you!

  18. Fabulous card Ros, your colours are stunning together - yes, bright and cheerful...the scattered sprigs of the baby wipe lift look great, I love the subtle softness and beautifully finished with some contrasting white die cuts... love it, hugs Robyn

  19. What a perfect nature-lovers card, Ros! The colors and the wiped image are dreamy as a backdrop for the white die cuts! I'm glad you had such a lovely time with Stella and her family! Hugs, Darnell

  20. Thought about you guys--knowing you were having a great time together! Lovely card, Ros--such pretty colors & love the contrast with the white die cuts!

  21. Gorgeous card Ros, love the colours and the baby wiped stencilled design looks perfect with the crisp white diecuts. Thankyou for playing along at CAS Stencil, Cathy x

  22. So glad you had a wonderful visit! I agree, I want to hold on to summer! What a beautiful photo of the castle. Your card is gorgeous! I love the colors of your stenciled design and how pretty those white die cuts look with it!

  23. That fuzziness is actually really nice - it's an effect you may want to duplicate! Loved the photo of the castle, too... there so many places out there that I'd love to visit!


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