Friday, November 29, 2019

Merry & Bright

Good morning... How are you?
I hope all my friends across the pond enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving - I know The weather in some states was problematic and hopefully you are all safe.
For the first time in a long time we have a bright day... Frosty and cold, but bright!

It's been another week of ups and downs in the Crawford household but first I have 2 more AI cards to share with you

Here's where I lifted the ink for the previous cards

I haven't done any crafting at all this week... There's been other things to attend to

So it's a good thing that these cards make up quickly 

I love that mix of blue there and it seems lots of you still use Stickles and here was me thinking that all the new type drops on the market had outdated them.

So, you may remember that we took a trip to Cornwall earlier this year to visit our 3 cousins, one of which had been very ill with a rare form of cancer.  I'm very happy to say that having found an incredible surgeon who was prepared to take a chance and operate, Andy is now doing well and looking forward to a future. However, cousin Joy who I call my Cornish sister, has had devastating news, her husband has just been diagnosed with cancer and is not expected to survive the next few weeks.
 This year has been one heck of a roller coaster ride, probably more downs than ups if I'm being honest and I can but hope that next year will be a little kinder.

I'm wishing you all a wonderful day and many blessings

~ Ros ~



  1. These AI lifting cards are just STUNNING Ros and I'm loving the bits of blue along with the blue glittery Stickles you've added! Lovely, lovely cards!! I am glad to hear your cousin Andy's good news but sad to hear of cousin Joy's husbands sad and especially at this time of year! I truly hope 2020 will be kinder to you too! Hang in there my friend...lots of prayers and hugs being sent your way!!

  2. Gorgeous cards Ros and love the AI's with the lifted ink panels and such pretty colours, and your designs are always uncluttered and beautiful and I love the shape of the second with the embossed die as a frame and the added foliage on both. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your cousin's husband, a devastating diagnosis, but good news for the other cousin with a successful op. Life has thrown up some nasties this year so hope next year is much better for you. x

  3. I'm so sorry to hear of more bad news, Ros. It certainly has been a bad year for you. Hopefully 2020 will be much better with lots of ups and few if any downs! These beautiful alcohol inked backgrounds are very uplifting! The little stars beside the sentiment are a wonderful little extra addition!

  4. Wow Ros, these are AMAZING! Love the colours of the AI's, and the look of the lifted ink. Love the sprig you added very nice touch, classy I say! So sorry to hear about your cousin's husband, but good news for Andy. It sure has been one of the those up and down years for you, and I truly hope next year will be on a much brighter path!
    Take care Ros, big hugs!

  5. You are just a bottomless well for ideas using the AI pieces Ros. Another pair of lovelies. So sorry to hear the bad news and thankful for the good. There always seems to be a mix doesn't there.

  6. Your AI cards are absolutely stunning, Ros! Love the pretty colors against the white! And, the pretty die cut! Sorry to hear about the bad news for your cousin’s husband, but happy to hear about the good news for Andy. You’ve had quite the year and I hope the new year brings brighter days! Take good care, hugs!!

  7. Beautiful Ros, I love your AI lift colours, and a great way to make multiple cards for your stash :)

  8. Well, Ros, your cards are absolutely gorgeous! I love the warmth of green against the white. The second card gives me the sense of looking through a window. I'm so sorry that bad news came with the good about your cousins. I know you've not had a good year, to say the least, and I really, really hope 2020 is better.

  9. These are just gorgeous--love all your AI cards, Ros! I have lots of Stickles & use them frequently. Only problem is when I don't put them completely out of my reach to try--haha! So good to hear the one relative is recovering & so very sorry to hear about the other. You really have had more than your share of the downs & I wish for you a 2020 with many happy times!

  10. Stunning!! These are totally gorgeous!! Stickles...oh yes, I still use it and love it...have had it for ages and it always always works, the 'newer' variety has not performed as well as my glad to hear the good news of one cousin and sad about the other, cancer is so devastating to all...sorry to hear that, I sure hope 2020 brings you the best my friend!!

  11. I love your AI and lifted cards, Ros! The way ink blended is simply stunning and the color combo is so beautiful! The framing of the second card is elegant. I hope 2020 will be more peaceful and much better for you!
    Hideko xx

  12. Your AI looks amazing on the crisp white and I love the ink lifting holly leaves! So glad for the great news about your cousin, but so sad for the news of your cousin-in-law. I certainly do hope 2020 is a kinder year to you too, you've been through so much heartache. Long distance hugs to you, my friend!

  13. You say these are easy but they look like you spent a lot of time making them! PRETTY colors with the white!

  14. Your AI cards are so spectacular, Ros! Love the framing with the die-cut berry sprigs. I still use stickles ... they are so glittery! :)

    So sorry about your tough year with family illness. I hope that your 2020 is more gentler. xx

  15. Absolutely gorgeous! I love these cards and that technique. So sorry to hear about your bad news from Cornwall... may 2020 be filled with good news for a change.


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