Saturday, December 14, 2019

Been Awhile...

Hello there...

It's been awhile but I'm still here. Whilst I enjoy making cards, writing them and posting them takes forever. I've put up the decorations, treated myself to some new curtains and cushions, sorted most of the Christmas gifts and all the December birthdays. 
It's kept me very busy but honestly? I'm missing my friend so much - Just spending a couple of hours  chatting and letting all the stress subside over a cup of tea and a hug.

Needless to say I forgot to photograph some of the cards I did recently so I can't share them but I do have a few more AI Christmas cards I didn't post

Thank you for your comments and kind messages on my last post... Our Cornish cousin in law passed away peacefully a few days ago. 

I'm hoping that your weekend is a good one 

Take care

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros, I'm so sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    I was just going to send you an email this morning, to see if all was okay, because it has been a while since you last posted. I agree, December is a busy month, and so much to do. I'm glad you are okay! As for your cards, wow, wow!! You sure do amazing work with your AI backgrounds. Love them all. Thanks for sharing today, have a great weekend as well. Hugs,

  2. Loss is so hard and truly takes time for your heart to heal, so don't apologize for the way you're feeling right now Ros. You've had a really tough year and I pray 2020 will be a lot kinder to you! Your cards are absolutely beautiful as always, and I'm always amazed at how many cards you are able to get from one piece of background! Merry Christmas my friend! Hugs. :0)

  3. STUNNING cards Ros, the AI lift works so beautifully when you do it. Light a little candle next to one of these for your friend, and smile then with beautiful memories.... special hugs Robyn

  4. So sad to hear about your cousin in law and can understand how hard it must be, especially this time of year, that your best friend is no longer here. Glad you have got some of those Christmas time jobs out the way and your AI backgrounds are just gorgeous and your white embellishments work perfectly to let them shine through. x

  5. I understand about how time consuming it is to write up the posts. There's the time it takes to get a decent photograph, too. I'm sure glad you shared these utterly gorgeous cards today, Ros. You're so good with the AI backgrounds and simplicity. You inspire us all. My heart breaks for you over the loss of your friend and I can hardly imagine the empty space she's left. Wish I could be there to give you a hug in person.

  6. Something else we have in common. I'm struggling to do blog posts, but don't want to loose my friends. Where's that Blog Writing Genie we need?! It's so hard to loose people we love. Your cards are soothing & beautiful, my dear friend. Wishing you peace & sending hugs across the miles.

  7. Ros, sorry to hear about your cousin. You've really been facing some challenges recently and I feel for you. Thanks for sharing your lovely cards: I love to make AI backgrounds and then don't know what to do with them, but there are lots of ideas here.

  8. I have loved every one of your alcohol inked cards, Ros! Beautiful colors and lifted designs as well as the white die cuts that add wonderful texture and dimension! That little Tis the Season die is needing to find it's way into my shopping cart! We miss those loved ones who have passed so much more during this season. Brighter days will come, my friend.

  9. Sorry to hear of the loss of your cousin Ros, it's so hard :(.
    I love your AI lift backgrounds they are Dodramatic :)

  10. I LOVE this style of card with the white and those Beautiful backgrounds! Merry Christmas, my friend!

  11. Thinking of you and sending love and hugs x Stunning and creative cards x.

  12. Oh my, that really is devastating news - how can that happen so fast? I'm at a loss for words, especially now that I read about it with such delay. My thoughts are still with you... I love the cards - you seem to be getting even more expert at this amazing technique!


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Your thoughts and words are always very much appreciated.