Friday, January 24, 2020

Upcycle/Recycle 2

Welcome to Friday!
Another dull and gloomy day over here, Gingerboy is keeping me company in my craft room, bless

I said I would share a couple more cards, using bits from the shop bought ones I received so here we are...

On my desk I had a bluebell (from a Clearly Besotted set) which I'd stamped, painted and die cut so I fussy cut a butterfly from one of the cards and added a black glittery body to it using a Memory Box die. The inside of one card was in a similar shade to the butterfly so I die cut the trellis for my little flower

I didn't bother with a sentiment yet - I just like the simplicity of this.
For the next card I just used part of the front design that covered the shop card, showing the pretty geraniums

Although it's not clear on the photo, the image is sparkly and I punched out a little heart from another sparkly piece

My favourite thing is putting bits together to create cards, hence the reason I keep so many pieces around lol!

Have a wonderful weekend

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful designs using these upcycled bits Ros, quite CAS but so elegant and pretty, and the ribbon on the second works excellently as a sentiment strip. I must remember this as I have lots of ribbon which I never use. x

  2. Oh how I adore that bluebell's beautiful and like you I love the simplicity of that card...and it's clean lines....fabulous. Like your up cycling in both cards but the way you have used the geraniums/hydrangeas is very clever. You have a wonderful imagination and not much left of your birthday cards to dispose of!xx

  3. Wow, Ros! I'm floored by all the wonderful cards you created by upcycling your store bought cards(I scrolled down to see the ones I missed on the last post too)! I'm so impressed and I'll have to refer back to these for inspiration because I would be dumbfounded by what to do with them!

  4. How fabulous Ros how you re-cycle the cards and the parts of them. Absolutely beautiful...both of them x Love the photo of ginger cat too x.

  5. These are both so sweet Ros and what a great way to use up all those little bits and bobs! And your sweet kitty looks adorable and so comfy! Hugs. :0)

  6. Gingerboy looks so cuddly in his basket. I love cats but so allergic to them :(. Ros, your recycle cards are amazing. It's just the little details you add to them that make them so special. You have a great imagination, which most times I lack! Great inspiration here on your blog! Have a great weekend. It's been raining since yesterday morning, a very wet and gloomy day here too! Keep warm. Hugs,

  7. Well, now it's Saturday - sure hope you, and Mr. Kitty, are still in the craft room upcycling!
    These are gorgeous, Ros... love the flutter-by!

  8. You are the queen on recycling/upcycling, Ros!! Very pretty cards with lovely color and design!! And, love the photo of your sweet kitty in the basket!!

  9. two gorgeous cards Ros, love all the die cuts and fussy cutting :)

  10. The bluebells are so pretty, Ros! The die-cut trellis is a perfect backdrop for the flowers. The upcycled geranium panel has a new life with the leaves and sparkle.
    Gingerboy looks so cute and comfy!
    Hideko xx

  11. You made two Gorgeous cards from pieces of your shop cards and made your new cards...your own:-) I love your CAS textured beauties, Ros. TFS your cards and sweet Ginger Boy. Hugs..Nancy

  12. Most beautiful, Ros! Lovely the way the colors come together on your first card. The image on your second card is so soft and pretty. Most lovely of all is Ginger cat snuggled in the basket. So sweet!

  13. Such a cute picture of Ginger--perfect crafting companion! These cards are great, Ros--really love the geraniums!

  14. A beautiful job of 'recycle', both so dreamy and so very pretty! Gingercat looks so comfy, he looks like our outside kitty that sleeps in the garage at night with his sister Violet, Greg keeps a wood fire going for them at all times. Have a great day my friend!

  15. You seem to be ready for spring with all those beautiful flowers on your cards! These cards are both fabulous - and I really like the first one being without a sentiment, it just seems "right".

  16. Your bits and pieces made LOVELY cards! And ginger boy is so SWEET!


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