Sunday, February 09, 2020

Spring Flowers

Hello there...
Oh my goodness what a Sunday we are having... Storm Ciara has paid us a visit this weekend 

This is the view outside my craft room window this morning and just beyond those tall trees is a road that is completely flooded...  We had some beautiful Daffodils in bloom but so far only one is left standing...

If that wasn't enough, we've had a lots of break ins here over the past few weeks and another one a few doors away yesterday. It's kind of scary - I lost my last beautiful German Shepherd some years ago and always felt safe then especially as DH is virtually deaf and he'll be 76 in a few days so not exactly a ninja Lol!

Anyway, putting all that aside, I have a card I made for my lovely blog friend Greta who will be celebrating her birthday on the same day as my DH... I can share as she's already received her card

Pretty painted Spring flowers without the rain and wind...

The foliage are trees stamped upside down and sideways in 2 colour inks, I've used this idea a few times in the past and used those stamps so many time they are almost worn out.

Have yourselves a lovely peaceful Sunday... 

Till soon

~ Ros ~



  1. HI Ros...squally here too..a good day to head to the craft room. Your card is so pretty a I love how yo have put the picket fence in front. Clever use of the tree stamp too! Enjoy a cosied up day. xx

  2. We have had heavy rain and wind here in the south west too but no damage so far, fingers crossed. I love your pretty flowers behind the picket fence Ros, and the trees work well for the foliage too, and I'm sure Greta will have loved this as it is a beautiful card. x

  3. Hi Ros, Ciara is arrived here in Holland too. I'm a little bit scared because everything is moving and making noise around the house...brr. I'm glad when it's over. I love your beautiful card, it has a peaceful look I think and no wind and rain there..LOL. Lovely layout and beautiful colored. Stay safe.
    Greetings Miranda

  4. Greta is going to love it Ros. It is so pretty and so thoughtfully made x. Yes the weather our end has been tough but you seem to be getting it even worse x. Sorry to hear about the break-ins Ros x Had a wee chuckle about DH being a Ninja....Not x.

  5. You got the rain, we got the snow! It's been really blizzary these last few days, to the point where you can't see to far ahead of you! Your card is so so pretty! A very spring feeling to it. Lovely coloured flowers, and the way you used your foilage trees, I would of never thought! Keep safe Ros, and thanks for sharing today!

  6. What a beautiful card Ros! I can see why the flower stamp set is almost worn's lovely and you've colored those Springtime flowers just beautifully! I'm also loving the upside down and sideways trees on your definitely think outside the box my friend and I love it! Lovely, lovely card and I'm sure your friend loved it too! I guess I'd rather have rain than snow, but snow is what we got all weekend (almost a foot of it!!) and I am so ready for it to be done and be Daffodils won't even think about peaking out till April at the earliest, so I guess I've got a bit of a wait!! Happy Sunday my friend!! :0)

  7. Hi Ros, I've been watching the weather in the UK (my family are in Swansea but I've been in Vancouver Canada for the last 30 yrs) I hope the torrential down pours and wind stop soon.

    Beautiful flowers in the garden and the picket fence is the perfect touch :)

  8. I love how you've used the trees as branches and grass, Ros! Beautiful, bright flowers that are so cheerful and I love that little picket fence! I'm sure Greta is enjoying her card!

  9. OMG so much to deal with ... please be safe and watch your back!! Your card is just lovely and I'm sure it brought a huge smile to Greta's face! You're a sweet friend! Thanks again for wonderful inspiration! HUG and hope you have a happy week!

  10. Our own Winter storm wasn't given a name - and the name I'd call it isn't fit for public view! lol
    I adore Greta's birthday card - and I'm sure she has loved it, too! Gorgeous blooms, sweetest little garden!

  11. Ouch...your weather right now does sound scary...we're having a bit of fog here in Salem, Oregon, USA and in the 30's, but should be sunshine in an hour or so - happy for that as it has been rain off and on for several days. Need our Vitamin Sunshine. Your card will be treasured by Greta - great use of the pine branch stamp and the little picket fence. Should be a sweet spot in her day to receive your card.
    Stay safe and in your craft room making more lovely creations Knowing your weather will get back to normal SOON!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  12. I came for another visit Ros to say I hope that the storm has passed and no further damage, and hopefully the floods are subsiding. x

  13. What a lovely card with the pretty flowers! A wonderful way to use the trees. It adds softness and interest. Love the die cut fence! I’m sure Greta appreciated the beautiful birthday card! We are having rain here, too. And, we may get more snow in a few days. I hope not too much. Take care, hugs!

  14. Well--you need to come visit me! It's like Spring (OK--kinda cold, but we have sun & daffodils!) I do so love my beautiful birthday card, Ros! The way you used the tree stamps is just brilliant & I love the addition of the fence! Thank you so much my dear friend!

  15. Goodness, you are having the weather, aren't you? I'm loving the sunshine we've had the last couple of days. Soon to leave us, according to reports. Such a pretty card for Greta! Love how you set the scene with the fence and your clever use of foliage. So lovely! Stay safe, Ros!

  16. What a pretty Spring card this is and I do love this stamp, I can see why you use it and have it almost worn out as it is so pretty!! I fear of break ins here as we are somewhat remote out here in the country with only 3 other homes on our road, my biggest fear is that they will steal Mack!!

  17. Who doesn't love a white garden fence to frame a lovely flower garden, your card Ros, is so pretty
    Well I did read this post a couple weeks ago, and how the storm had wrecked your daffodils, must tell you that was the inspiration to use my daffodil stamp recently... Robyn

  18. No wonder you have used these stamps a lot! I KNOW she loved this!

  19. A lovely card! The weather here has been treating us harshly as well - but then not as bad as the weather men made it out to be. I hope this series of break-ins stops soon or else you do need to find a ninja to join the family!


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