Friday, March 27, 2020

For Friends

Hi! How are you doing?

Well we've had the most beautiful weather lately but don't get too jealous... It's not going to last.
It takes the gloom out of everything though - Our Prime Minister has tested positive for the virus, along with Prince Charles whilst we alas, have no testing available, so we have to just hope and enjoy the sunshine whilst we can

I've already sent some of my painted cards to friends - DH wanted me to frame them all but it seems stupid to keep them all especially now - Here are 3 more which have also been sent to friends

Honestly I don't know what I like doing best... Painting or doodling 

I know one thing... I can churn these out much quicker than ordinary cards 

You all know I lost my best friend last October... Amongst her many talents, was a brilliant artist and sculptor. Today would have been her birthday and I can't help but think how much she would have loved that I am attempting to paint albeit in my own way and my own style... 

Stay well my friends... 

~ Ros ~


  1. Although the weather has been gloomy here the past few days and coming weekend, blessing us with rain, your cards today are an absolute ray of sunshine in my world. Ros, hubby is right you should frame a few, as these are stunning pieces of art. I know your best friend would of been so happy to see you venture to this 'artistry' side of you! You have it Ros! Your friends going to be thrilled beyond words to receive such a card. Thanks for making my day. Stay healthy and stay creative! Hugs, (ps, the last card is my favourite, so hard to pick as they are all fabulous!)

  2. Another 3 beauties Ros (would you like my address??) and I'm sure your friends are just loving these little mini masterpieces that you've been sending out! They are all so bright and colorful and I can see why your hubby wants to frame them!! And I'm sure your friend is smiling down on you every time you get out your paints! Lovely, lovely cards my friend!! :0)

  3. Well Ros I think you have found your USP as they say and I am sure your friends will absolutely love these. xx

  4. You are definitely an artist as these are all so bright and beautiful Ros, and the added pen finishing touches define and really complete the look. Your friends will treasure these. Take care. x

  5. Absolutely stunning cards, I love each and every card you have done and these are no exception and I agree with the hubby, they all need to be framed!! No sun today, but we had a nice day on Wednesday and I worked in my flower beds as long as my old body would let me lol...but somehow I managed to get in poison ivy, but I will take it over the virus!! We are to get severe weather tomorrow night....take care my friend...stay safe!

  6. She would have been so proud of you Ros x
    Wonder cards again and you are so creative. I love your water colouring style and the doodling....You just keep them coming, they are fabulous x.

  7. Wonderful cards - again! You have unearthed a real talent there!
    On another note: why would you want to be tested? Do you show symptoms? (I hope not!)

  8. Wonderful, simply wonderful Ros, three more beautiful floral cards and yes definitely work framing, you are very talented my friend - very special cards to cherish for friends. Just also enjoying one day at a time - appreciating the sunshine and showers here too... take care and hugs Robyn

  9. Ros, hubby was right you should have framed all of them. your friend is so lucky to receive on of these.
    Stay safe Christine XXX

  10. Oh yes--she would have loved seeing your paintings, Ros. Bet it makes you feel close to her. I truly am in awe! I was so excited to find stamping since I can't draw or doodle! I hope you did frame some of your favorites--hubby was right!

  11. I've looked at all the fabulous paintings you've posted lately on your blog and I'm almost lost for words at how beautiful they are.Keep safe.

  12. Another gallery of gorgeousness! I'm betting your friends are going to be so thrilled to receive one of your little masterpieces to frame! I'll bet your best friend has even chosen a favorite for her room in Heaven!

  13. These are all OMG GORGEOUS Ros! You are very talented my dear and your friend would have been (is) SO proud of you! Surely you can hear her telling you 'well done my friend' as you finish each piece of art. We here in the states have heard about the Prince and Prime Minister and pray you don't get hit too hard. It's being said that the USA has the highest numbers and the virus hasn't even peaked here yet ... ugh ... so scary! Trying our best to just stay home and keep a positive attitude. Please be safe & healthy my friend and I will do the same! Thanks for inspiration ... I can use it right now!!

  14. Love this mix of colors, Ros! Your flowers are gorgeous and you inspire me to try my hand at it. I'll bet your friend is smiling down at you and happy she inspired you to share such beauty!

  15. Your friend would love you can see everyone else does too!!!! Blessings and TFS - so encouraging!
    Paper Hugs,

  16. Oh my...Ros all your hand painted art cards are so colorful and Gorgeous!!! Your friends are going to want to frame your cards:-) I noticed that you signed all your It was fun to see all your doodling on these cards too and so many beautiful Spring colors.

    Thank you so much for sharing, my friend. They sure brightened my day and all your friends. I can't wait to see more. Stay safe and keep on painting!! Love and Hugs...Nancy

  17. The friends you send them to will probably frame them. How could you not frame these little pieces of art? You're spreading beauty and love all over. These are simply incredible, Ros!

  18. Oh, I hope hubby got you to frame at least one of the hand painted beauties! They are all very gorgeous! I’m sure your friend would think all your paintings are fabulous! She’s right there with you in spirit! Keep on painting on, Ros, you certainly have quite a talent! And, thank you so much for the inspiration and sharing your beauties with us! Take good care, hugs!!

  19. You really ARE quite talented! I agree, they should ALL be framed!


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