Monday, March 23, 2020


How's quarantine going?
It was Mother's day here yesterday - Maybe not the Mother's Day we normally expect but hey.. We can celebrate all year right? 

When I had dogs, I would often walk them at a place called Pickering's Pasture... A short drive away where the river runs alongside the pastures and in the summer months, the pastures were filled with wildflowers...I tried to capture them in this painting

 Hubby and I drove down there yesterday - We are doing our utmost to stay safe but I think he's a little stir crazy so I made a flask of tea, the idea being that we could just sit in the car and chill but when we arrived the place was literally heaving with people all walking about and socializing like it was a holiday period. There were families, dog walkers, cyclists and many over 70's. I cannot believe the ignorance and selfish attitude of these morons.... 

I am scared but painting helps to keep me calm and I really, really hope that life can soon get back to normal and I'll be able to see those wildflowers once more

Thinking of you all and sending hugs 

~ Ros ~


  1. Another beautiful creation Ros and at the end of all this trauma you should have a display in a gallery they are all so lovely. I'm behind you on the selfishness of consideration for others. However lets look forward......I and others can enjoy your creativity and keep them coming please. I certainly need to find my creative mojo. xx

  2. Having only been out once in a week last Saturday OH and I ventured out to our local reservoir for a quick stroll - it was madness! Like you saw, people wandering about in large groups, kids running round, teenagers congregating and many over 65's who obviously didn't understand the words 'social distancing'. Couldn't believe my eyes. Needless to say only 'out' we'll be doing in future is the shop for ourselves and our elderly neighbour!
    A lovely card Ros displaying your watercolour talent - I am envious!

  3. This is so beautiful and you have a wonderful eye for flower shapes and colour, and the pot is fantastic too Ros. It is difficult and the trouble is that everyone is thinking, we'll go there because it should be quiet, and inevitably everyone else is thinking the same thing and especially when the weather is nice, but what they should be doing if there are too many people is to get back in their cars and go elsewhere or home. I suppose the only thing is to go to different places you know of and try and find a quiet spot. I know how you feel as hubby and I are feeling the same, and the thought of being penned up indoors all the time does not sit happily. As you say lets just hope that this doesn't last for too long. x

  4. So delightful to see another beautiful creation Ros! I'm on my lunch break (working from home), so thought I would check to see who was in my Feedly today.
    I hope you continue to create and share these beauties with us. These are a breath of fresh air that we can all use. Hubby and I went out for a drive on saturday morning, out in the countryside and back roads to see if we could see any birds moving into our area as spring is upon us. We do not get out of our car, if there is a picture to be had we do it from the car window. Although we did not encounter anyone else on our journey. It's unfortunate that people just don't understand what 'social distancing' actually means. Thinking of you Ros, take care, Hugs,

  5. I couldn't agree more with you Ros x.
    Your card is dainty and beautiful. I love how you are painting them and the line around some of the flowers. Artsy, beautiful and so very pretty Ros x.

  6. Another absolutely BEAUTIFUL painted card Ros and so glad to hear it's helping to keep you calm! My craft room is definitely my happy space right now too! It's been over a week now since I've left the house and I am going a bit stir crazy, but until it's safe again I'm staying put for my benefit and that of everyone around me! It is frustrating how many are not taking this at all seriously! Hang in there my friend and I will too!! Hugs. :0) (And keep painting...I'm totally in LOVE with your cards!!)

  7. Ros, I'm loving all these hand painted watercolour wild flowers, you are so talented :)
    As for people going out and mingling, it may take a case of major government intervention to include police and armed forces. For now best avoid them :(

  8. Ros this is absolutely stunning, the colors are gorgeous, wow, who wouldn't want a vase of these sitting in their home, I certainly would!! As for all the craziness of people, I just don't get it. Michigan is growing in the virus by about 250 people a day, we stay put, now today we are just running our to post some bills, but will not be outside the cat, just a drop and go! It is to be somewhat nice out tomorrow so am hoping to get outside and do some yard clean up, luckily we are rural and only 4 houses on our road counting ours, so we should be good. Michigan has a sty at home order as of midnight last night, my daughter went to the grocery and she said it was a long as the hubby doesn't run out of his beer, we will be good lol!

  9. Oh Ros you have certainly brought those wild flower to life in this beautify painting! What an uplifting card ... thanks, needed that! Yes, people can be so stupid! I'm just amazed how many people believe this is all a hoax ... WHAT? Do you not believe all these people have DIED from this virus? What are they thinking ... and the fact that they are not only putting themselves at risk but all those around them! EGADS ... Yes! We have the same thing happening here ... scary times for sure! But SO GLAD I can pop over to your beautiful blog for a breath of fresh air in seeing your art work! Stay healthy my friend!

  10. These get better and better, my friend! Love, love, love this combination of colors and flowers! And your pot looks just like the pot that holds flower on my coffee table. The last week seems like it was a month and the reality is that it's going to be a lot longer. Seeing your beautiful watercolors bring a bright spot to our lives. Thank you for sharing them. xoxo

  11. My first look brought me right to a field of flowers, Ros! So happy to see this today... just what I needed.
    Trying times, stupid people - not a good mix, is it? WE will do better than they, right?
    Love and hugs,

  12. OMG...Gorgeous watercolored painted flower arrangement in your pot, Ros. You have me so inspired!!! When I get caught up at home I plan to try the technique on the video you shared with me. TFS and So happy you and your hubby are practicing social distancing. People from out of town flocked to our beaches last weekend. Now our Gov has closed our Oregon State parks because of the selfish idiots :-( Stay save and keep on painted, my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  13. Are your paintings getting better and better? You just keep blowing my mind, Ros! This truly does look picked from a field of wildflowers. Speaking of which... I know what you mean. I live on the coast and we've been relatively untouched, but when schools closed all the folks from inland flocked to the beaches and it was like the pictures you've seen on the news of college kids on spring break. Our beaches never look like that, even on holidays. So then the governor issued a "stay at home" order because people obviously couldn't act with good sense. All state parks are closed, too. Rich and I will do whatever we need to do for the greater good, but we'll never get rid of this thing if we don't get smarter.

  14. Beautiful wildflowers and so lovely that they remind you of special times - bit of bummer that your little escape turns out showing how crazy people are... same here in Australia now the government have taken more drastic restrictions because people aren't listening... it is scary glad that we have our craft to keep us busy.... even been doing jigsaws with hubby and playing card games as his work is cancelled for now. Keep painting Ros, hugs Robyn

  15. I agree... I don't know what else they need to know in order to get a grip on themselves. But this card is lovely, you're getting the best out of yourself!

  16. I think I've said this before, Ros, but why you bother with stamps is beyond me when you have this incredible natural talent!!! Yes, THREE exclamation points! This painting is drop-dead gorgeous and the flowers look so very real. Thank you for bringing this stunning wildflower bouquet into the Playhouse. I think I might just figure out a way to use one of these photos as my screen saver! As for stupid people, sigh. I told a friend today that it's too bad the virus isn't going after stupid people instead of old people. Yes, that's right, I said it outloud! Take care, my friend, and be well!! 😷 Hugs, Darnell

  17. Oh no--people being stupid everywhere! This will go on so much longer without forcing people to do the right thing & of course, we're too civilized for that! I'm so glad I'm retired! We're not going into any buildings. I have to wait 4 days to pick up my groceries, but at least I can get what we need. Your painting is amazing, Ros! It's not only making you happy--it's making me happy getting to see your art! Stay safe & good luck keeping your hubby sane--haha! Mine is getting overloaded on movies--something he's always loved.

  18. BEAUTIFUL blooms! I have missed so much!


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